
switch(input("Recive Byond Member Boost Now ?:","Thank You") in list ("Yes","No","-=Close Window=-"))
if(usr.Gained_boost == 0)
if(usr.Gained_boost == 0)

Problem description:

well just saw "IsByondMember()" a built in proc in the mannual , and when i tired it its said undefined proc, is it b/c i don't use the new verson ?? or am i using it wrongly.

In the manual/reference, it said if(client.IsByondMember()) ...
There's lots of stuff in the reference now that requires the new BYOND versions, and even more in the future.
In response to RedlineM203
Redline is correct. IsByondMember() is a client procedure. It will only work on clients. Since usr is a mob, that should tell you right off the bat what the problem is.