Nope, I'm not a Bwicki admin. Just an oversight, I imagine -- my Spuzzum account still has that power.
Yeah, that's what I meant. You're still the same person (or are you? dun dun dun!) even if you have to log into a different account to do it.
Jtgibson wrote:
Nope, I'm not a Bwicki admin. Just an oversight, I imagine -- my Spuzzum account still has that power. Yeah, that's what I meant. You're still the same person (or are you? dun dun dun!) even if you have to log into a different account to do it. |
Jtgibson wrote:
...I've somewhat abandoned Bwicki to the vultures and still think that BYONDBwicki should become a MediaBwiki. there is, of course, a Mediawiki install set up on digitalBYOND, just for that possibility. been there for a while. |
That's one of the downfalls of the original Bwicki. It requires recompiling the code and reuploading to change admins. I'm still adamant on the fact that the BYOND Wiki system should be DMCGI due to the key system alone. I'd hate having to make an account for a wiki and not being able to use my key. The use of BYOND keys just makes the Bwicki and Bwicki2 systems ideal for BYOND stuff.
I reckon it wouldn't be too hard to make a plugin that authenticates MediaWiki logins based on BYOND keys. I've seen one that does it using LDAP in a couple of pages of code; you'd just have to find that plugin, rip out the LDAP stuff, and replace it with DMCGI-logins-in-PHP functionality (which basically just involves a call to DreamDaemon with the appropriate parameters if I remember correctly).
This "MediaWiki doesn't use BYOND keys, so we should use a DMCGI program, but hey, we could just edit MediaWiki to use BYOND keys" debate has been had before. Aside from the somewhat limited development time involved in hacking the MediaWiki source to allow BYOND logins, I think it's a very good prospect. It's easier to use the existing functionality of MediaWiki than it is to try to write a modern-style Wiki from scratch (as far as I'm concerned, the BactrianCamelNotation is much inferior to the [[double-bracket notation]], and the double-bracket notation is easier to parse, too!).
BYONDBwicki was good for its time, but it was written based from a WikiWiki, before MediaWiki gained popularity. I think it's time to avoid nostalgia. =) |
Nope, I'm not a Bwicki admin. Just an oversight, I imagine -- my Spuzzum account still has that power. I'm not particularly concerned about it in any case. I've somewhat abandoned Bwicki to the vultures and still think that BYONDBwicki should become a MediaBwiki.