I know how to make the game appear on the hub entry when its hosted but how to i put staus or information?
hub="(ur key).(hubname)"
^ ^
| |
EX: poal testhub

so for me it would be -

for information

status="(put status here)"

so for me it would be

stats="New game, Not Rip, Come Test It!"
In response to Poal
how do i add things like who is the host,how many players and other things like that
In response to Spartagus



stat="Players - [players]"
stat="[stat]---Host - [host]"
hub="(ur hub here)"

IDK if this would work but it compiles
In response to Poal
i tried this..... how exactly do i host?...


spa..... theres a lot of things i was told on how to host >_>
In response to Edtion
Your new to byond so i suggest u play a game such as Space Station 13
In response to Spartagus
Spartagus wrote:
Your new to byond so i suggest u play a game such as Space Station 13

ive been playing for like a month.....playing only 4 games

and since i spend more than 24 hours on the pc dailly, thats way longer >_>.... i jus t dont no how to host
In response to Edtion
I already told u
In response to Spartagus
Spartagus wrote:
I already told u

I DONT NEED ANY GAMES !!!!!!!!!!!!!

i just need someone to tell me, from step one, each and everything i need to do to host a game, not configure, not port, not finding something, just TEELLLL ME

like this

To Extract a zipped/compressed folder (not winrar, 7-zip, etc)

Im useing a windows XP, so extracion may vary

Step 1:

right click the folder that u wish to extract

scroll down until u get to a word labeled "Extract"(here (may or may not have here)

Step 2:

click on extract, and you will be prompted to another window, labeled "Extraction Wizard" (this may vary, if you have another type of exxtractor as your default)

Step 3:
Click continue
choose the location that you wish to extract the files to,
choose continue, u will then have a loading sign ,

the size of your folder, and the speed of your computer will vary the extraction speed

Step 4:
when the loading sign is done, click continue and then either choose to either view the folder now
(this will open a new window)
or uncheck the box, to leave the folder as it is


the extraction will not effect the zipped folder, so u can either leave the folder as it is, move it, or delete it. (or modify it with the right way)
In response to Edtion

That link there basically tells you what you need to do in order to host a game... note, by host, it means able to make other players able to connect to the game, NOT actually let them through if the port is blocked (like with routers and firewalls) NOR does it include anything else like HUBs... what you need in order to host effectively is a DMB and RSC file of the game.

Anything else you may be talking about if not classified as hosting.

If you really are expecting someone to go through every single step (which it looks like it to me), good luck with somebody actually bothering to do it...

As soon as you confirm the host options (like port number and all), others will be able to join it. If you are not sure, you can ask to see if they can join by giving your IP and port by this format:


eg: byond:// <-- 777 is the port, 127... is the IP
In response to GhostAnime

im jus gonna use port 13000

thats what im to give someone?

thats what im to do to get people to privately join my game?