Whe i do this it sayd undefined var for "M" but ive used it many time in other parts plz tell me how to fix this!

M<<"[usr] Has Clicked to see your stats"
"M" doesn't mean anything unless you have defined a variable named M. You need to show at what context you are using that line of code for it to make sense.
1. you probably shouldnt be using that in the first place :P

2. M << "blah blah blah" //spaces are crucial

3. you also must define M as mob,obj, something
In response to Poisonstrike
Poisonstrike wrote:
1. you probably shouldnt be using that in the first place :P

Wrong (whatever it means)

2. M << "blah blah blah" //spaces are crucial


3. you also must define M as mob,obj, something

If you mean M has to be of type /mob, or /obj, or another atom type, then "wrong." If you mean that M has to be defined, then "duh."

Outputting to anything but a mob or client is pointless, though.