Alright well im not sure if I am in the right section btu when I log into my game it makes it so it shows every peace of the map in the game and I dont know why..

All i did was add a telleport code and a new login code...

icon = 'person.dmi'
icon_state = "male"
turf/Teleorter//the name of our turf
icon_state = "Black"
if(istype(M,/mob))//is it a mob that entered?
M.loc=locate(1,1,1)//if it is a mob move it to the x,y,z coordinates
This could be from not setting world/view or client.view to a certain number.
In response to Ol' Yeller
ill explain it for him yeller

heres a world code for one of my games

name = Flag Wars
icon = /mob
view = 10 //setting this says how far a mob can see
In response to Poisonstrike
I'm sure that's a fantastic "world code," until you try to compile your program and realize that it doesn't work.

As for solving the actual problem: could you describe what, exactly, is going on? Because what you've said doesn't make sense.
every peice of map in the game? elaborate.

The problem most likely is you need to check your code and make sure that your setting an initial location of your starting mob type to be in the middle of your titlescreen.
In response to Garthor
Garthor wrote:
I'm sure that's a fantastic "world code," until you try to compile your program and realize that it doesn't work.

As for solving the actual problem: could you describe what, exactly, is going on? Because what you've said doesn't make sense.

Ok well this is what happens... It starts me up in the world and it starts me at 1,1,1 like its supposed to... But it shows the WHOLE map...
In response to K0rn
In which case your map is 21x21 or smaller, and so world.view (and client.eye and such) are automatically set so that you see the whole map. To work around this, explicitly set world/view or client/view to the view you want.