I've got the game up but my coder didn't add a Logout code so i can't tell when ppl leave the server plz help.
By the way you can check for different built-in procs by pressing F1 whilst in Dream Maker. Basically you need to set what happens when players log out of your game. You would use the basic Logout() and send a message to world. Something like "blank has logged out of Rip165"
In response to Dession
I can't get it to work
In response to Jason515
Press F1 in Dream Maker, see how it works.
In response to Dession
world << "[usr] has logged out"

There ya go!
In response to Robertg0123
No usr in procs. Urgh.

usr != user
usr = person who executed the current verb or whose action ultimately called the current proc.

src = source = source of that proc/verb (safer to use in procs than usr in most cases)
In response to GhostAnime
I"m using it but there is a problem it still doesn't say that they logged out even tho the code is working >.> and i use Src and not Usr

Edit* NVM it works now ^_^ but still having problems with the inactivity boot