I didn't really know where else to put this but I have a few things I would like light shed on before I started developing a game in 4.0:

1. Can I make it so people cannot Maximize, or Resize the window for my game?

2. Can I stop people from resizing the map screen itself or changing the icon size?

That is all the questions I can think of right off the top of my head.
Lifehunter wrote:
1. Can I make it so people cannot Maximize, or Resize the window for my game?

Yes. When editing a window, double click the title bar, go to Options and uncheck the relevant boxes.
Lifehunter wrote:
2. Can I stop people from resizing the map screen itself or changing the icon size?

Since your other question was adressed; No. The client has pretty much full control on how they want the graphics to be displayed, even if that means Text Mode.

You can create an interface that will not allow the player to resize the viewing area, which is cut off at a certain point by the game's code, but they will still be able to switch between big icons, small icons and text mode.

In response to Xooxer
Xooxer wrote:
Lifehunter wrote:
2. Can I stop people from resizing the map screen itself or changing the icon size?

Since your other question was adressed; No. The client has pretty much full control on how they want the graphics to be displayed, even if that means Text Mode.

You can create an interface that will not allow the player to resize the viewing area, which is cut off at a certain point by the game's code, but they will still be able to switch between big icons, small icons and text mode.


For non-default skin, can't those be removed altogether? Or is there a Big/Small/Text toggle hidden away somewhere?
In response to Nick231
The user could then just type: .winset "map.text-mode=true"
In response to Tiberath
Programmers could do that, but I doubt players would have any idea of how to do it.