Okay, I made one, it's on the bottom of my site(My game's)

Here's the link -

Could you make that like the banner/logo of BYOND and if you want to, make it an ad...

It's size is suppost to be 800 x 150...but that didnt fit so I made it 533 x 100...


Here's the whole thing in HTML -

<object classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11CF-96B8-444553540000" id="obj1" codebase=",0,40,0" border="0" width="800" height="150">
<param name="movie" value="">
<param name="quality" value="High">
<embed src="" pluginspage="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" name="obj1" width="800" height="150"></object></center>

This is the 1 on my site -

<object classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11CF-96B8-444553540000" id="obj1" codebase=",0,40,0" border="0" width="533" height="100">
<param name="movie" value="">
<param name="quality" value="High">
<embed src="" pluginspage="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" name="obj1" width="533" height="100"></object></center>

It's made in Macromedia's Flash Version 8 and uses pictures from google and screenshots from the following games -

-Dungeon Master
-Duel Monsters Online
-Naruto GOA
-Resident Evil Online 2

So DanTom, can you make that the BYOND banner/logo?

Also, I'm not good with actionscript/flash/HTML...So I dont know how to make a link popup going to when you click it...
You can't really say "sponsored by", though, because none of those are sponsoring you. A sponsor provides money or services specifically for your event.

As for the banner, it's pretty cool, though I don't know if I'm fond of the font used for the BYOND logo.

Lummox JR
In response to Lummox JR
Lummox JR...You said "A sponsor provides money or services specifically for your event."

Well BYOND provides the language for my game...And that's a serviceand technicely that'd be sponsoring...
In response to Poal
The key word is "specifically", though. BYOND provides the DM language for more than you. You could probably write something like "services provided by BYOND" or something similiar and get away with it, though.
In response to Popisfizzy
Popisfrizzy what do you think of the banner?
Where is Ninja Academy <_< , its not properly repesenting byond.
In response to Domedaydevice141
.> their are like 2k games on byond and it shows 5 >.>

Also...Ninja Academy = Naruto game and their is a Naruto gam on the list...
I don't like it. Banners should never be animated.
In response to Smoko
I disagree...If animated banners say you put more work into your site/banner then just making a simple picture...Also what I made is more of a slideshow...
I mean I could have made a banner that says "BYOND - Play And Make Games Here." But an animated banner lets you fit in more info into little room.

But I guess we all have different tastes and opinions and thank you for telling me yours.
In response to Poal
You don't need animation to show that you put effort into something. BYOND's current banners are great and couldn't get any better, in my opinion.

Animations draw peoples eyes to them, banners shouldn't do that.
In response to Smoko
Yes...But the BYOND banner just says BYOND and not what it is...If you would make a banner describing BYOND it would eaither be -


B - BYOND - The online Community of Annoying People(Noobs), Nice People, Coders, Iconers, Game Makers, Entertainers, Also BYOND Is A Simple Language For Coding 2D-GBA-Stly Games-And BYOND Is A Collection Of Games made By Experianced And In-Experianced Coders, Iconers And Programers And Kids.

Now B is the answer...But how do you say all that in 1 banner? I'll try this...Here it is...The BYOND Banner 2.0...

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket


Looks like the Comcast Digital Voice Service commercial...

I rest my case...

(PS...That took 2min with paint and why am I filling my Photobucket account with this kinda stuff>.>)
In response to Poal
It doesn't have to say what it is.
In response to Poal
The banner alternates between many totally different and insanely sweet sayings, though. =p
In response to Smoko
But banners are for advertising and what's the point of just the name...It's like a commercial that says..."Comcast Digital Voice" and the words stay on screen for 60seconds...
In response to Poal
Oh my god...I made 2 banners in one day...I have way too much time on my hands...Now I'm sounding like one of my friends...Why did I just type this...

Okay...The bottom line...I spent like 3 hours making the FIRST banner(The animated 1 in flash)...And all I wanted was to contribute to BYOND(And make it look flashier)because someone told be to make a game and contribute by that(I did and no one plays it)...So this is what I made...What do you think?

Oh and I have 10days till school so if you want me to...I might make an animated banner/ad/clip/whatever of your game(Maybe...)

I have no life..I sit around refreshing this topic waiting for someone to complement my banner xD
In response to Poal
No one likes annoying advertisements. Currently, that's what your banners are.
In response to Poal
Poal wrote:
Okay...The bottom line...I spent like 3 hours making the FIRST banner(The animated 1 in flash)...And all I wanted was to contribute to BYOND(And make it look flashier)because someone told be to make a game and contribute by that(I did and no one plays it)...So this is what I made...What do you think?

It's great that you're interested in BYOND and want to help out, I just don't think these banners are something that should be used to advertise BYOND on a large scale with (If at all)

Oh and I have 10days till school so if you want me to...I might make an animated banner/ad/clip/whatever of your game(Maybe...)

Thanks for the offer, but I have nothing that needs any image work. Perhaps you should spend some time improving your current banners quality, and putting better games on it.
In response to Smoko
Poal: it's not a bad effort!

but the 'Sponsored by' is misleading, if not entirely incorrect. you are not getting any specific sponsoring from BYOND or it's staff.
:) very nice.
Its Grand Online Adventure though.

But thanks for the honerable mention! :)
In response to Poal
Poal wrote:

You're a genius. Thank you so much. :D
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