i need help can someon help me code a jutus its my first time .
i think this is a n bolts rip jutsu code can someone explain it iin a way that i will understand
mob/Jutsu//Defines waht type of verb it is so the usr doesnt start out with it
verb//defines that its a verb
Housenka()//The verbs name
if(usr.chakra > = 5)//Makes sure the user has atleast 5 chakra
if(usr.firing)//Makes sure the user isnt firing
return//stops him from doing the jutsu
usr.firing=1//Makes the usr firing so he cant spam the jutsu
usr.chakra -= 5//Minuses 5 chakra
var/obj/Housenka/A = new//Makes the housenka
A.loc = usr.loc//makes the housenka on the usr"[]"//makes the housenkas name the users name
A.dir=usr.dir//makes the housenkas dir the users dir
walk(A,usr.dir)//makes the housenka move in the dir the usrs is facing
usr.firing=0//stops firing the jutsu
else//if usr doesnt have 5 chakra
usr<<"You do not have enough chakra! chakra cost: 5"//tells him
Housenka//obj's name
icon = 'Housenka.dmi''//obj's icon
icon_state = "Housenka"//obj's icon_state
Bump(mob/M)//when the obj bumps into a mob
var/damage = 10//sets the damage to 10
M.Health -= damage//damages the mob it bumps into
im not tryin to rip a code i just wanna know hwo to code a jutsu
In response to Trane5
Seems pretty well explained already... all the comments after the //'s are explanations of how its working. Try some very basic tutorials, and learn the absolute basics of DM, and you may find this a lot easier to understand.
In response to Ease
nope its not helping me at all for coding jutsu
In response to Trane5
Making a jutsu: make a verb that does something, add the word 'jutsu' somewhere in the name of the verb.

That's all it is.

You can't code 'a jutsu' because you don't know HOW to code.

I suggest reading the DM Guide if you want to go about coding in Dream Maker.

ps: surprisingly, I don't think anyone going to provide you with more information on what's going on in that code than what the comments are saying,