In response to Revenant Jesus
No, it's not. But it is a common term for Chaos Theory. A theory will always be a theory. It's not insulting a theory's relevance by saying, "But it's only a theory." A theory can't be more; laws are a different concept all together. The theory of relativity will always be a theory, as will string theory, and even the theory of gravity.
In response to Lyra04
There weren't any scientists back then. You can barely describe Newton as a scientist, and he was only ~500 years ago.

A scientist is something who uses the scientific method - anyone applying the scientific method would quickly have realised the Earth was round. Actually, the ancient Greeks were aware the Earth was round - at least, some of the philosophers around were.
In response to Popisfizzy
but if it was look at a guy that muders ok if hje go back to teh past he can kill more peopel then now but we coudl go back if we riped the space thing but in doing this anyoen could walk into it and go to teh past so we need a way to pach up the rips oh we dead but move from my house to wallmart liek 10 km away would be cool
In response to Renton11
I'm sorry, but you need to desperately learn what puncuation marks are for. I only know that you're talking about murders and Wal-Mart, for some reason...
In response to Renton11
Renton11 wrote:
but if it was look at a guy that muders ok if hje go back to teh past he can kill more peopel then now but we coudl go back if we riped the space thing but in doing this anyoen could walk into it and go to teh past so we need a way to pach up the rips oh we dead but move from my house to wallmart liek 10 km away would be cool

What the hell in god's name are you talking about? I can't read half of that crap. This is what I was able to get:

But if it was, consider a man that murders another. What if he goes back into the past and kills more people. But we could also go back if we ripped the space time continuum, but by doing this we would allow anyone to travel into the past, so we would need a way to close time rifts or we would all die.

Then your talking about something about Walmart? what the hell. Anyways I honestly don't think that anyone will master the ability to jump back and fourth through time and even if we did, I refuse to believe we would be able to go into the past. The future is another subject all together.

Or what about, alternative dimensions, I totally believe that there is more realities then this one, I wonder if we will ever be able to open doors to other dimensions?
In response to Popisfizzy
ok if guy that munder go back to teh past think of teh deaths.but if we coudl not go in time but use it to move fornt we coudl use time 4 a holy new thing.oh move one sec fast and your lets say 20002km away in oen see what coudl happend is a bad guy got hand on it Death and nuked weapon can be under bad guys.but to go in the past we need to cut/rip teh space time thing to go to teh past oh you get it.if we copudl tel we coudl take air to a new planet and hjave to earth (good side).bad side is we coudl all get if we turn to making force field be 4 we get the time things we coudl put bad guy in force get it?
In response to Popisfizzy
Except string theory isn't a theory. :P

The 'butterfly effect' is more a reference to a /mathematical/ concept, which is very much proven - chaotic systems are chaotic because small changes can lead to big effects. And we're pretty certain Real Life is a chaotic system.
In response to Jp
Jp wrote:
Except string theory isn't a theory. :P

Yea, but "string abstract and incomplete set of ideas" doesn't quite roll off the tongue as well as "string theory".
In response to Popisfizzy
It's more the unfalsifiability. :P

Even scientists sometimes abuse the poor word.
why work that way now? why not we work in force fields?but when we time tavle we coudl go into the ghost realm.oh demon do we tiem tavle and rip teh space time thing and make demon/ghost/beast oh coem to earth?so what do you gusy think have monster oh have force field and defense type thng oh havign time travle?
In response to Renton11
Inbreeding: just say no!
In response to Miran94
Miran94 wrote:
I have made up a theroy about it; if the nody is made of chemical energy why not change that into light energy

Turning cells into energy (maybe by blowing them up or burning them) wouldn't preserve any useful information about what type of cells the energy used to be (and so on), so it wouldn't work.

You'd also have the problem of light getting defracted, split up and such which would be pretty dodgy when they tried to put you back together again (things like your shirt being on backwards and maybe a really bad hair do).
I actually made my own way of going past the speed of light. I wrote it down in a journal I had, but I can recall it here for the benefit of you guys:

1 star
2 horses
1 really strong chariot
1 long glass chute
1 hose
4 big rockets
1 comet
2 really long ropes

Put the long glass chute down so it's facing the star. Stick the four rockets onto the back of the chariot, then tie the chariot to the horses.
Put the hose into the chute so it's pumping water down it (this will help things go faster), and get a friend to direct a comet into the glass chute and tie the horses to the comet.
Engage the rockets and off you go.

That will, according to my calculations, go so fast that it will surpass the speed of light. The gravity of the star combined with the horsepower (LITERALLY!!!) of the chariot's locomotion on the slippery glass will allow it to go really really fast.
I read some stuff about mass increasing causing the energy required to go faster being around infinity (or something), but it was pretty heavy going so I put the book down at that point. I've bookmarked the page so I'll prolly go back to it after testing out my FTL experiment.
In response to Jp
The Romans were aware, too. It wasn't until the Dark Ages that these teachings were lost. It was learned again during the Renaissance.
In response to Revenant Jesus
Fanatical historians would dish out big bucks to go back in the past and see what the heck really happened.
In response to CaptFalcon33035
Also. Most realistic television show ever!
In response to Kaioken
Kaioken wrote:
Also. Most realistic television show ever!

New reality show: da past!
In response to Popisfizzy
Popisfizzy wrote:
...even the theory of gravity.

wait, you mean the established *fact* that objects falling towards the earth accelerate to 32 feet/per-second/per-second is only a theory?

the *fact* that you can punt a small kid into the air and calculate his trajectory back to the ground with a known, proven, formula that includes gravity is only a theory?

you might consider laying off the joy-juice.


In response to digitalmouse
digitalmouse wrote:
Popisfizzy wrote:
...even the theory of gravity.

wait, you mean the established *fact* that objects falling towards the earth accelerate to 32 feet/per-second/per-second is only a theory?

Why do I still think gravity is a law?
In response to Shlaklava
Because it is?
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