So my question was, of all you folks out there who consider yourselves mappers (and hopefully other people consider you good at it), what kind of tricks do you use to make your maps better than any average map out there? I know that I use a few tricks that I draw from to make my maps better, some of which are:
- Avoid straight lines as much as possible, especially in "natural" settings such as forests and caves.
- As far as terrain goes, use multiple drawings of the same objects when said object is used repeatedly, such as trees or grass. This greatly helps to eliminate the "tiled" feel.
- Never place the same object in rows. For example, some trees, where '.' is grass and 'T' is a tree:
..T.. .T... ..T.. ...T. ..T.. T....
What not to do / what to do
But I'd really like to hear if anyone else has some tricks that come to mind which help them to make better maps. I'd like to know if there are enough tricks being used that we could compile them to a little article and post it somewhere as a guide to help people make better maps.
Of course you aren't going to put trees in a straight line. I make sure my grass isn't too detailed so I can Turn() their icons a multiple of 90 degrees, effectively helping with the "tiled" feeling. Y'know, all the grass that is not a border to dirt or something.