In response to Danial.Beta
I could teach an honors class on Tetris.
In response to Ter13
Tetris is probably one of the most important games ever created. Between Pong, Tetris, and Pacman, you have the holy trinity of gaming. Honestly, though, I never liked Pacman much. I was always a ball & stick gamer. (Breakout/Breakout for the win!)
In response to Danial.Beta
Yeah, pacman's wakka wakka got really old really fast.
Ter13 wrote:
Grah, this crap makes me feel old... I'm only 20! Maybe because I got raised with the old school consoles, music, and TV shows, I just feel older than I really am...

I'm only 16 and I'm the same way. I actually still prefer most of the old-school stuff just because, you gotta admit, back before they cared about looking the best, they cared about being the best. *sigh*

I mean, nothing can beat the original Zelda games (besides Zelda 2, which sucked), or the original FF games, or the Illusion of Gaia, or GBC games (I didnt get a GBA till the DS was nearly out just because I saw no point to it at the time). And why has no one mentioned Frogger? That game was flippin awesome dude. I mean sure, there were many that sucked (take Time Stalkers for instance, a game I was addicted to when it first came out and Ill still play on occasion, but it really isnt that great of a game), but they were still for the most part amazing. I mean, I still own a NES, SNES, Atari, Genesis, DreamCast, all those old systems, lol (although mainly I play on emulators and roms now). Definitely almost all of them were better than Grand Theft Auto (Im sorry, but I detest that game in its entirety).

And then look at TV. Im sorry, but I still prefer watching something like The Brady Bunch or I Love Lucy or The Real Monsters or other 80's/90's era stuff.

To put it bluntly, this new millennium is garbage. About the only thing I like is the music, and not (c)rap or hip-hop or anything like that, but rock, and most often I still listen to old-school rock from bands that have been out for forever.
In response to Flame Sage
Man, I wish I was his son, lol. He sounds like my kind of dude.
Ter13 wrote:
My daughter ain't getting a PS4 or no crap like that until she can get to at least level 11 of tetris, beat the second quest in the original Zelda, AND beat doom on Nightmare.

That'd be a fun challenge, I'd be up for it. :]
In response to Ter13
Ter13 wrote:
I do like a lot of modern music, though, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Orgy, Adema, Bush, 3 Doors Down, Staind, Linkin Park, CKY, Tool, A Perfect Circle, NIN, System of A Down, Rob Zombie, and so many others. I mean, music's probably better than it used to be. Rock is far from dead. I'm also impressed with the Hip Hop and rap scene in recent years. I've gone to a few Juggalo gatherings in the local area, and the underground rappers are 10x better than the (c)rap on the airwaves. You can't even call these guys rappers, they are freaking poets.

music in all places is really thriving these last few years. the rock scene is doing awesomely with bands throwing back to an old classic rock sound (Wolfmother, Priestess), as well as some interesting things are happening even with the emo/post-hardcore scene (Nature Living, FACT) although most of the good music of that scene is coming out of Japan.

the pop world is in an amazing place, with loads and loads of incredibly solid albums being put out. Justin Timberlake's latest album is amazing, and Rihanna's latest is really awesome as well. I agree with you, for the most part, that mainstream rap is going in an awful place, but today Kanye West's newest album came out and as someone who's been listening to the leak obsessively, I can tell you that it's really awesome.

the indie scene is as big and as expansive as it's ever been, with loads and loads of bands all over the place doing awesome things. indie will be the next "emo", I will tell you this much.

Fall Out Boy's (or at least the singer's, I think?) new project, Gym Class Heroes, is really exciting, taking the kind of pop-punk sound and throwing some skilled rappers into it. hell, even Linkin Park is doing exciting things, moving away from a boring and dull rap-metal sound and moving into a more rap-indie/pop sound, which is working really really well.

... and all of these examples are generally very mainstream. without having even touched on any bands that are even remotely underground, it is a very good time to be a music lover.
In response to Danial.Beta
Danial.Beta wrote:
Tetris is probably one of the most important games ever created. Between Pong, Tetris, and Pacman, you have the holy trinity of gaming. Honestly, though, I never liked Pacman much. I was always a ball & stick gamer. (Breakout/Breakout for the win!)

I have always been a fan of Tetris, I have played it since it first came out, awesome game. I never cared for Pong, I prefer Arkanoid. I like how there are monsters and bonuses and stuff. I never got into Pac-Man, it was too slow for me. But give me Ms.Pac-Man turbo edition any day of the week and I'll play that bastard till it melts down.
In response to Revenant Jesus
You've been playing Tetris since before you where born? (OK, so technically, if you are 22, it was probably the year you where born, but you would probably be one or two before Tetris hit near you)
In response to Vortezz
Vortezz wrote:
music in all places is really thriving these last few years. the rock scene is doing awesomely with bands throwing back to an old classic rock sound (Wolfmother, Priestess), as well as some interesting things are happening even with the emo/post-hardcore scene (Nature Living, FACT) although most of the good music of that scene is coming out of Japan.

the pop world is in an amazing place, with loads and loads of incredibly solid albums being put out. Justin Timberlake's latest album is amazing, and Rihanna's latest is really awesome as well. I agree with you, for the most part, that mainstream rap is going in an awful place, but today Kanye West's newest album came out and as someone who's been listening to the leak obsessively, I can tell you that it's really awesome.

the indie scene is as big and as expansive as it's ever been, with loads and loads of bands all over the place doing awesome things. indie will be the next "emo", I will tell you this much.

Fall Out Boy's (or at least the singer's, I think?) new project, Gym Class Heroes, is really exciting, taking the kind of pop-punk sound and throwing some skilled rappers into it. hell, even Linkin Park is doing exciting things, moving away from a boring and dull rap-metal sound and moving into a more rap-indie/pop sound, which is working really really well.

... and all of these examples are generally very mainstream. without having even touched on any bands that are even remotely underground, it is a very good time to be a music lover.

I 100% agree with you. 50 Cent's CD also came out today. Actually, the big deal about today is the battle of the hip-hop kings. 50 Cent V.S. Kanye West. 50 Cent said if Kanye West sells more CDs than him, than he is retiring.

Also, you forgot to mention Daughtry. They are a good band as well that just came out. I was born in the 80's and grew up in the 90's so I love the 90's music. You know: Pearl Jam, Nirvana, Stone Temple Pilots, Alice in Chains, etc. The lead singer of Daughtry, whose last name is actually Daughtry, is a big fan of these bands. The music he creates sounds like those bands in the 90's and I love it. I think he's doing a great job. You should check his stuff out.
In response to Danial.Beta
Well close I guess. Tetris was one of my first games I got for my Nintendo. I got it when I was like 5 I think.
In response to Flame Sage
Flame Sage wrote:
Ter13 wrote:
My daughter ain't getting a PS4 or no crap like that until she can get to at least level 11 of tetris, beat the second quest in the original Zelda, AND beat doom on Nightmare.

I would hate you if I was your son. :)

I prolly would too. There's a fine line between wanting your children to know about YOUR childhood and relive YOUR childhood, and letting them live out their own. It's pretty embarrasing going to school, listening to everyone talk about the latest systems whilst your parents force you to do everything the way things USED to be done.

I mean....the same concept comes from parents/grandparents who use the phrase, "Back in my day!"....ugh, so I still hear my father speak of his summer vacations before he had a TV....
In response to Flame Sage
Flame Sage wrote:
Ter13 wrote:
My daughter ain't getting a PS4 or no crap like that until she can get to at least level 11 of tetris, beat the second quest in the original Zelda, AND beat doom on Nightmare.

I would hate you if I was your son. :)

No kidding.

I'd personally set the bar at "reaching level 4 of Tetris, beating the third dungeon of the original Legend of Zelda, and playing Doom once before you get sick of it". ;-)
In response to Jtgibson
and playing Doom once before you get sick of it

Oh god yes. What most gamers who get nostalgic fail to realize is that games they loved weren't always great games. I loved Doom at the time, but it has nothing to offer beyond kickass graphics, tons of gore and a sweet FPS engine. All of which pail in comparison to modern FPS games (in what way is the original Doom better than a mediocre Half-Life mod). You couldn't pay me to sit through three episodes of that (or worse yet, every chapter of Wolfenstein 3D).

The original Zelda is awesome, but in terms of gameplay A Link To The Past blows it out of the water (I preferred the dungeons in the original).

Tetris is actually a perfect example of why older games don't always remain great as they age. Almost every Tetris clone made in the past ten years is vastly superior. They're the same game, only with better graphics and sounds. That doesn't sound like much but when the gameplay is exactly the same those things start to matter.

If you want to get nostalgic do it about things like game nights. Where everyone would come around, bring all their gear and everyone would just stay up all night playing table top games, consoles, handhelds, eating pizza and drinking warm coke.
In response to DarkView
Oh man. Doom 2 is my all-time favorite game. I used to play that game so much back in the 90's.
In response to DarkView
I don't know what you are talking about, personally I love the entire Doom series and have played through all of them multiple times. I do it at least once or twice a year. Doom is God.
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