
This was made in 3.5, xx and yy stand for icon_x and icon_y. How would this work in 4.0 I'm guessing they would be params but I have no idea how to use params xD And yes I did look at the refrence.

In response to Ease
icon = 'map.png'
var/xx = L["icon-x"]
var/yy = L["icon-y"]
var/turf/loca = location
var/x3 = ((loca.x-130) * 32) + xx
x3 = round(x3/2)
var/y3 = ((loca.y-92) * 32) + yy
y3 = round(y3/2)
if(x3 > world.maxx || y3 > world.maxy)

I tried doing this but it didn't work it gave me this error

runtime error: Cannot read "default.map1".x
proc name: MouseUp (/turf/map/MouseUp)
usr: Miran (/mob/Player)
src: the map (132,95,1) (/turf/map)
call stack:
the map (132,95,1) (/turf/map): MouseUp(the map (132,95,1) (/turf/map), "default.map1", "icon-x=26;icon-y=19;left=1")
Miran94 (/client): MouseUp(the map (132,95,1) (/turf/map), the map (132,95,1) (/turf/map), "default.map1", "icon-x=26;icon-y=19;left=1")
In response to Miran94
They were replaced by the control and location arguments and moved into params. An easy way to see how it all works:

src << "Object: [object]"
src << "Location: [location]"
src << "Params:"
for(var/P in params)
src << "[P] = [params[P]]"

In response to Nadrew
I know I read that in the DM guide but I tried a new method of doing it I posted my snippet.
In response to Miran94
Ah! I got this problem a lot last night before I worked it out. You need to use text2num() - that'll fix everything. It's just that the params are saved strictly as text so you can't do any maths with them!

In response to Ease
An example would be nice but thats actually clever.
In response to Miran94
I tried this and it works sadly MouseUp() is slow

var/xx = text2num(L["icon-x"])
var/yy = text2num(L["icon-y"])
var/turf/loca = location
var/x3 = ((loca.x-130) * 32) + xx
x3 = round(x3/2)
var/y3 = ((loca.y-92) * 32) + yy
y3 = round(y3/2)
if(x3 > world.maxx || y3 > world.maxy)
In response to Miran94
Thanks to all those who helped me (Nadrew and Ease) but is there a way to speed up the proc?
In response to Miran94
I read over it, and I just can't see anything in it that might make it slow. There's no real loops, or anything that might get stuck for a while. Are you sure its not something around or near this code that is slow? Any loops that are involved with it that you haven't shown us?
