It be that time o' the year where we show our true pirate spirit! Make all that oppose ye walk the plank!
And 'appy birthday to Ol' Yeller who be sharin' a birthday with me this very day!
![]() Sep 18 2007, 11:56 pm
Yuck another corprate holdiay made to annoy me! I hate this kind of holdiay and that includes april's fool!
I <3 April Fool's day! A perfect excuse to do huge pranks and get away with it scott-free Um, yeah, if you're in 2nd grade. |
Ease wrote:
I <3 April Fool's day! A perfect excuse to do huge pranks and get away with it scott-free =D You need an excuse for that? |
Arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr, me matey! |
Avast! Thar be no alterin' of the greetings message at top of thar page whar it says "Hello, Popisfizzy"!
Miran94 wrote:
Yuck another corprate holdiay made to annoy me! I hate this kind of holdiay and that includes april's fool! Corp'rate 'oliday?! What the bleedin' wench are ye goin' on about, lubber? Ev'n though th' founders arrrr tryin' ter sell a book an' stuff, it's all 'bout 'avin' fun. |
No excuse needed, just easier to get off scott-free on that day. Otherwise you have to go to the hassle of making sure your not caught, or weasling out of it. The other day I put a lit smoke-bomb in my mates pocket without him noticing who did it. If it were Fool's Day I would have stayed there and laughed at him =D
~Ease~ |
Ease wrote:
The other day I put a lit smoke-bomb in my mates pocket without him noticing who did it. If it were Fool's Day I would have stayed there and laughed at him =D A real friend would of hung around to laugh, and let them know you done it. That way they could do something back to you, and then you could get them again. It's like a chain, only made of lols. |
Talk like a pirate:hey thar swabbies
Talk like a ninja:.....(Ninjas cant be heard seen or anything without sudden death of the witness) |
Atomic1fire wrote:
Talk like a pirate:hey thar swabbies Talk Like a Pirate: Ahoy there, lubber! I'll rip an 'ole in yer gullet and fill it with th' blood of kraken! Talk Like a Ninja: We meet again, honoured adversary. Your life shall cessate like a wave breaking against the shores of Okinawa! |
I fail at talking like a pirate. Tips much?