I know I've seen games that upload save files before, but is it possible to do with Map Files?

For instance, I would like it so people can buy a house and then rearrange the furniture/walls to their delight :P. But I don't think its possible to write to a map file. I just wanted to make sure before I scratch out that option.
Why upload map files?
Just make verbs so people can build in theyr houses, then just make saving code, that will save all obj or/and turf of houses
See Lummox Jr's most brilliant SwapMaps library.

In response to Ripiz
Well I would do that, but I dont want the games host saving hundreds of house files. So I wanted to know if it would be possible to save the map file to the house makers and make sure that they can only access it from that server I guess too..
In response to Valen45
Hundreds? If you loaded that many houses from a savefile at the creation of a world, your game will lag like hell for a few minutes or even crash.
In response to Kakashi24142
But what if each person, when they entered their "house" it loaded them on their map they created from their computer, and when they exited it would erase the file. Or can we do that..I dunno just throwing options out there.
In response to Valen45
that's possible, you could make a multi-dimensional list and make a value that is the person's name and then associate that value with a list that contains the house objs, the objs would contain the locations, etc. The only problem I see with this is a potential reach of BYOND's limits.
In response to Kakashi24142
Runescape has a player house system where there is a portal that leads to your house, you might want to do that with a combination of Lummox Jr's SwapMaps.
In response to Kakashi24142
i agree, and all you would have to do is add a verb or a Click() proc when in the right area (like in runescape). i think you should use that as an example.
In response to Jman9901
Thanks, Ill try..hopefully it works.