Hello all, I was justy wondering on how I would go about making a level system in an action/rpg game. I have some code for it now, but I am not sure on how to actually level the character when I get the gven amount of experience and to reset the exp needed to 0.

I used Zilal's tutorial, so I have whatever she had on it.

How I thought I would go about leveling is like, when I would get the exp needed to level iot would call a proc, like Level() then it would add the stats, and reset how much exp I have for the next level and add the next amount.

So like....

//for a warrior class or something.

Str += rand(4,8)
Int += rand(1,2)

And stuff like that. Well, that part is just the level proc for the warrior, I would need to know how to call it. So like I would make an exp variable, and somehow make it where when I get the needed amount of exp it calls the proc then i get the stats and stuff.

Well sorry for the noobish request there :p Thanks for the help in advance :D
When the player gets exp, you should call a proc like LevelCheck() to determine if he/she has the required exp if not don't do anything, if so call Level().

Or you could put it all in Level() but that might be sloppy depending on how you do it.
A typical way to handle leveling up is to put everything, even the exp check, in the same proc. That isn't strictly necessary but it doesn't hurt. Then you can call this any time experience changes.

while(xp >= maxxp)
maxxp *= 2.5 // any formula you like will do
... // increase stats
src << "You have reached level [level]."

Lummox JR
In response to KirbyAllStar
Okay, so how would I go about making the person require more exp for each level? Like if I had him need 100 to transgress to level 2 and then like 120 to 3 then what would I code in for that?

So for the levelcheck thing I would code it similar to DeathCheck() kk, thanks KirbyAllStar :D
ill help!

src.exp-=src.max_exp // takes the needed exp away from the exp you have
src.max_exp *= 2
//add stat upgrades here
src.LevelUp() //repeates the process to check for another level
if(src.class=="Other Class")
//add stat upgrades here

i hope that helps, plus the exp-=max_exp helps if you want people to get multiple levels if they have enough exp.
In response to VolksBlade
I think I got this now, so would I make a maxxp var as well? and have the exp added go into that var?

Oh, and thanks sooo much guys :) This project I am on now is like my mnake or break for my drive to want to code games :p and so far it is going really well. You will probably see me more frequently in the next few days with newbie coding questions again XD
In response to VolksBlade
VolksBlade wrote:
//add stat upgrades here

That's horribly wrong. Never ever have a proc call itself unless 1) you use spawn() or 2) recursion is actually intentional (i.e., to break a problem like sorting into smaller problems).

In this case a while() loop instead of an if() statement at the beginning is the correct choice.

Lummox JR
In response to Lummox JR
So then I could use Volk's Code but put a while() in front of the class name?

~Well, my lunch just ended, gotta go to class. Again, Thank you guys SOO much for the help :) I will be back around 4.

Expect to see me more XD
In response to Blanke
Blanke wrote:
So then I could use Volk's Code but put a while() in front of the class name?

Not quite. You want while() in place of the first if(), not the others.

If you take out his repeat calls to Levelup() and the return after each one, and then change the first if() to a while(), you should be all set.

Lummox JR
In response to Lummox JR
src.exp-=src.max_exp // takes the needed exp away from the exp you have
src.max_exp *= 2
//add stat upgrades here
if(src.class=="Other Class")
//add stat upgrades here

Like so?
In response to VolksBlade
You're still returning out of each if() for no reason, which defeats the purpose of the while() loop.

Lummox JR
In response to Lummox JR
So then use his code but take the returns out and keep the while there and the ifs?

In response to Blanke
Well, I know I need to make a class variable, then I need to assign the classes to that variable. so like would I make the variable called class then make the stuff within the var the classes?


Str = 2
etc etc

Or some other way? Cuz tonight I want to add the classes and their stats in with the stat panel showing the stats. (I can look on Xerse's code for that, I don't know how efficient his code is, I heard it was pretty crappy bnut I guess thats what I have to work with :p
In response to Blanke
id do this

other vars you need here

then id do this at login

src.class=input("Which class would you like to be","Class") in list("class1","class2","class3") and so on then
class stats here

that might be a crappy way of doing it and Lummox may have a better way but thats pretty much how i start off before i get too involved into the save/load/delete system
In response to Blanke
Blanke wrote:
Okay, so how would I go about making the person require more exp for each level? Like if I had him need 100 to transgress to level 2 and then like 120 to 3 then what would I code in for that?

So for the levelcheck thing I would code it similar to DeathCheck() kk, thanks KirbyAllStar :D
expmax = expmax * 1.5
In response to Fusioneko
Okay thanks for all of the help guys :) After I tackle the classes tonight and get the displays going and stuff I will probably work on making the monsters move and attack back. Which I also made a thread about but no one posted in it :p :(
In response to Blanke
Hey, I got it where you can choose the class in the beginning =D I am working on getting the stats straightened out right now. ~Update~ I have it now where I have the icons for the class!! I guess when I was editing code I deleted the

icon = "(icons file name)

part. So then I put players.dmi there. then I put the class stuff.
HP = 30
MP = 10
Str = 1
Int = 1
Agi = 1 (the stats are 1 for
End = 1 (because they dont do
Luk = 1 (anything yet :p)
Exp = 0
Exp_Needed = 100
icon_state = "Mage2"