Okay, I know I made a Halo game, but now, I'm going to attempt to make an origional RPG. I have so many ideas, and a basic battle system already made. Take a look at the battle system -
It will be changed a lot, especialy the menues.
I need some ideas, and a good name, also some feed back on the battle system.
The real game won't have stick figures, this is just to show th basic battle system.
![]() Oct 14 2007, 10:13 am (Edited on Oct 14 2007, 11:05 am)
Firstly, a clever and experienced developer such as yourself should know not to bump ;D
Secondly, I couldn't find the verbs in your game, so I couldn't actually do anything besides walk around. I tried typing in "Fight", "Punch", "Kick" e.t.c and nothing worked. Thirdly, if Kick = 10 and Punch = 5 then why would you ever Punch? You can say "If you both kick then its negated" but if you punch, and the enemy kicks, then you take 10 damage and the enemy only takes 5. See my point? Fourthly! I have a little thread about Training Systems somewhere near the top of Design Philos. that no-one has yet deemed worthy of replying too... and I don't want to bump it... if you get my drift ;D He he! Sounds like an interesting idea overall though, just needs a tad more thought. Perhaps a draw back to kicking? ~Ease~ |
Okay but all you do is walk around and bump into the enemy to start a fight sorry haha I think I forgot how to say that.
And I see your point in Kick = 10 and Punch = 5, but that's just to show that their will be different attacks that do different things, It has no real point. |
Wow! Nice! I like it a lot! Awesome idea! It needs a lot of work and development obviously, but that is a fantastic base idea. Very cool how they run at each other, and their moves seem to link together almost! Nice!
~Ease~ |
Quick Idea:
Punch = 5 damage Kick = 10 damage The obvious solution would be speed of the attacks. Kick is slower, (or perhaps uses more energy) but more damaging. Punch is much faster (half the damage, half the cool-down) |
I'd play it. Any idea on the theme, story, and setting? And definitely try to make it more than combat, I want a compelling story that I can really get into!
The Naked Ninja wrote:
I'd play it. Any idea on the theme, story, and setting? And definitely try to make it more than combat, I want a compelling story that I can really get into! The theme will be anime/RPG/FF. Setting is still undescided, I'm tied between alternate world of like FF7 or an alernate past japan. The story is also in development. And it will have a story not just another game to level up and train on wasting days. And of course their will be more then combat! Their will be armor crafting similar to Guild Wars, where you get the material from fighting instead of mining for hours, but passive skills will be added too. Also PVP will be a MAJOR part of the game. I'm currently iconing and making NPCs that you controll. |
Projectiles will work like this -
You don't run in, your enemy runs in, you shoot your projectile, then run in, but for ur first move, you dont attack after you ran in, so you get hit. Projectiles can only be done on first or fifth move. Before you shoot a projectile on first move, the oponent runs in, dosent do anything unless his/her first move is Block, after you shoot projectile, you charge in and if your oponent didn't attack he does now. Simmilar thing to last attack, but first, your opponent does his 5th attack(Unless it's block), you run back, he stays, you launch your projectile, and then your opponent runs back.
Guns will also be added. By guns I dont mean AK-47s and Sniper Rifles, I mean like old-fassion pistols, revolvers and Final Fantasy style weapons. No big sword though.
Parties will be added, allowing you to controll up to three different charecters. But, combat with parties will remain very simmilar, you choose all 5 moves for ALL your party members, and their targets, and THEN they will charge in and fight it out.
Their will be spells and skills that can be used outside of battle, like spells/skils to make you faster, stronger, bigger, invisible or whatever.
Each charecter will also be able to own a pet, it will work as on overlay instead of its own mob, but it will do its own damage.
Also, special enterances will be a major part, you will be able to buy/unlock them and they are not just for show, if your enterance is for example, spawning behind your foe and stabbing him, then you get an extra attack or flying inside a meteor or fireball and crashing down as an entrance, will daze(disable 2 moves from next turn of foe) and hurt your foe.