for(var/mob/npcs/Bunshin in world)
if(Bunshin.owner == usr)
if(istype(src,/mob in get_step(usr,usr.dir)))
var/Damage = round(usr.tai*2)//define var damage(you can make it better)
src.hp -= Damage//lose hp..
view()<<"[src] was attacked by [usr]'s Kage Bunshin for [Damage] damage!"//say it to those who are near you...
src.Killer = usr
src.Death(usr)//Call death proc
Problem description:My objective is: When I click over a mob, my mob (lets call it Bunshin) will approach the enemy and inflict some damage, however it doesnt work... It follows the enemy but it doesnt attack him when they are in get step... plz help me