I'm currently working on an RTS (Civ inspired) and I'm using tiles that are 64x64. (to allow room for big cities and so that multitiled mobs would look nicer)
Thing is, I also have a object that represents a grid (allowing you to toggle the grid on/off) and (correct me if I'm wrong), placing a multitiled object on the map generates multiple copies of it, each representing a portion of the object or is it just one copy with sub-parts that can be erased? I hope it's the latter.
Anyway, is it worth it to go for the 64x64 tile model or to change to 32x32?
I'm using 4.0 by the way.
![]() Oct 27 2007, 4:03 am (Edited on Oct 28 2007, 7:26 am)
![]() Oct 27 2007, 4:14 am
ok, currently, its the first one, it breaks it up, but you could just make the variables of the others inherit directly from the first one, thing is, i know of only one person who did that, and he doesnt code in byond anymore, as 4.0 doesnt seem to work on his computer.
For the terrain alone, it might be alright for you to just drag it out on the map, as long as the terrain doesn't represent resources or anything. However, for multitiled objects (Like units or cities), you might want to use offset'd overlays. Even further, if you want the multitiled objects to be dense, then you're either going to have to go and come up with your own system for it (which isn't too difficult) or you could look into BigAtoms by ShadowDarke
That's the thing though, terrain does give resources. The current workaround I use is to have every tile that falls on an odd x and y be the main tile, while all the others are there for purely visual effect. You think this might be a good idea, or should I just make each tile give 1/4 of the resources?
It may depend on how the larger number of tiles affects the game. I'd probably go with the smallest amount of game tiles needed.
In PathWrath, the games were taking too long with the large board so I decided to make only the lower left corner of a 2x2 set of turfs be an actual game tile. I then referred to that corner for the stats of the entire set. For PathWrath 2, I have the upper right corner of a 7x7 set of turfs create a type of area to contain the set. I then refer to the area for the tile's stats. |
My system is pretty similar to what you use in PathWrath 1. I take it that it's a pretty efficient way to do things, correct?
Your code will be littered with turf to game tile conversions either way, but you won't spend areas. The turf conversion method should work fine for most purposes and is better than making too many game tiles just to have larger graphics. =)
You might want to note that both the turf and the area method could affect mouse interaction if you use the default right-click menus for the tiles. In the first PathWrath, those menus could display multiple tile choices on same location depending on the offsets of any overlays. (At least I seem to remember that being a cosmetic annoyance in BYOND 3.5.) Meanwhile, areas, other than the one the player is in, don't seem to work for right-click menus at all. |