Oct 29 2007, 5:44 am
In response to Volte
Around here(SoCal), Hispanics are much more racist to whites than visa-versa.
In response to Ben G
I was noticing that. Along with some people that have very little idea who Hitler really was than it creates a problem.
In response to Worldweaver
Worldweaver wrote:
Around here(SoCal), Hispanics are much more racist to whites than visa-versa. Hispanics actually make fun of whites? Wow. They got some balls. Tell them to wash your car for a quarter. Then once they wash it, don't give them the quarter. |
In response to Cavern
In response to Worldweaver
I hope that was sarcastic...
In response to Cavern
Here on Byond we do not support racism so please do not bring it here.
In response to Jtgibson
Jtgibson wrote:
Accusing him of being racist because he's from Texas is itself unfair discrimination and reflects badly on the person who makes that assumption. Agreed. It might not be racism, but it is at least regionism. |
In response to Jamesburrow
Jamesburrow wrote:
Jtgibson wrote: I don't know if that is really a good name but it does communicate your idea. Words only have the power you give them. That is why I think that things such as stereotypes should just be ignored (not saying that we should ignore things such as the Civil Rights Movement or the Holocaust). |
In response to Ben G
Ben G wrote:
Why does every thread on these forums eventually turn into a conversation about Hitler? Because he is cool. |
In response to Shlaklava
Just curious dude, why do you pretend to be a mod?
In response to Worldweaver
agreed. dictating what is ok and what is not ok should be left to the appropriate moderators, many of whom who are montioring this thread (and have already weeded out a few things inappropriate).
i've been seeing too many examples of 'back-seat moderation', and it really should stop. there are enough of us online at any given time of day that anything truely bad will be dealt with within a reasonable amount of time. besides, this thread is getting off-topic- it was Bush-bashing at first, and now on to other things. why not take this to your respective blogs? otherwise, let's keep things clean, eh? |
In response to Jtgibson
I have a hard copy of the 1st Ed DMG, if anyone would like me to do readings. I still have the copy I bought at the Kent State bookstore in 1982! Somehow I cajoled my parents into coughing up the dough for all three of the books that were available then: DMG, PHB, MM. (DMG was $15 and the other two were $12, IIRC.) I wouldn't mind hearing a reading of the random prostitute table. Best table ever. |
In response to Gughunter
Well, Adolf hitler was able to convince millions of people to kill millions of other people and be happy about it. So, I think that chalks his party up as political genius even if he was the most evil person ever to live, heh.
The same cannot be said for Bush (or his party), he hasn't really been successful during his term. |
In response to Ben G
I studied german history for about a year in college, and of course the majority of it chalks up to hitler... which was super interesting.
You can't predict everything of the future, but Hitler had a good chance of conquering the world had he played his cards better... which is a scary thought, which is also why the focus shouldn't be on which presidents are smart, but why our system in America sucks and that we're stupid enough to let it suck. I mean, how many times has bush screwed up? When has he actually been successful? Why is he still in office? How many more mistakes can he make before his term is over? |
In response to Jon Snow
Jon Snow wrote:
Well, Adolf hitler was able to convince millions of people to kill millions of other people and be happy about it. So, I think that chalks his party up as political genius even if he was the most evil person ever to live, heh. Yeah, even many Republicans/conservatives are unhappy with him about numerous issues. I certainly disagree with him on many points, but then, even if I myself were President, in my second year I'd surely disagree with some of the stuff I did in my first year. The Presidency is a pretty unique position. People tend to assume he has more power than he does, whether it's far-left nuts who think the President's Daily Brief contains a list of the library books they're borrowing, or far-right nuts who think a President could overturn Roe vs. Wade with an executive order if he really cared. I suspect Bush's strategy is not to pursue the policies that will make him popular here and now, but to pursue the policies that will endear him to posterity, or at the very least will help to keep posterity out of bondage. |
In response to Gughunter
Yep. While Bush may be an idiot, he himself doesn't have that much power. He does have some, mind, but for the majority of government rules and policy he is just a figurehead.
In response to Gughunter
Gughunter wrote:
I have a hard copy of the 1st Ed DMG, if anyone would like me to do readings. I have PHB too, but I only have MM2. I saw MM at a flea market back in '96 or so, but I didn't have any money to buy it for the $5 the guy was asking. That's one of the regrets I've had to live with for a long time. Every night, I wonder what the encounter rate for a white dragon is. Sometimes I cry myself to sleep. I wouldn't mind hearing a reading of the random prostitute table. Best table ever. "And yea, Gary Gygax did say, "On a roll of 01 to 10, shalt thou encounter a slovenly trull. On a roll of 11 to 25, shalt thou not encounter a slovenly trull, but shalt thou encounter a brazen strumpet. On a roll of 26 to 35, shalt thou encounter instead a cheap trollop. "Verily, rolls of less than 36 indicate those harlots of less than proper grooming. Yea, and such. "On a roll of 36 to 50, shalt thou encounter a typical streetwalker. On a roll of 51 through 65, shalt thou not encounter a typical streetwalker, but shalt thou encounter a saucy tart. On a roll of 66 to 75, shalt thou encounter instead a wanton wench. "Verily, rolls of less than 76 and of greater than 35 indicate those harlots of average grooming. Yea, and such. "On a roll of 77 to 85, shalt thou encounter an expensive doxy. On a roll of 86 to 90, shalt thou not encounter an expensive doxy, but shalt thou encounter a haughty courtesan. "Verily, rolls of less than 91 and of greater than 75 indicate those harlots of impeccable grooming. Yea, and such. "On a roll of 91 to 92, shalt thou encounter an aged madam. On a roll of 93 to 94, shalt thou encounter instead a wealthy procuress. On a roll of 95 to 98, shalt thou encounter neither an aged madam nor a wealthy procuress but a sly pimp. On a roll of 99 to 00, shalt thou encounter a rich panderer in spite of the rest. "Verily, rolls of greater than 90 indicate those personages who may obtain harlots for thy persusal. Yea, and such." *wipes away a tear* So moving. |
In response to Jtgibson
Every night, I wonder what the encounter rate for a white dragon is. Sometimes I cry myself to sleep. In Ohio, it's Very Rare, if that helps at all. :) |
In response to Jmurph
WW2 started in 1919 - with the signing of the Treaty of Versailles.