![]() Nov 14 2007, 10:25 am
How much do you think it costs to build the average church? Also, how many churches do you think there are nation-wide?
![]() Nov 14 2007, 10:32 am
It depends on how you define an average church. We have churches going from a one room building to huge 10,000 people buildings around here. And "how many churches..." is just as hard to answer. Do you mean christian churches only? How about temples? What about cult churches?
Just Christain churches, and I know the size varies, thats why I said the average. I know both of these are very difficult to answer.
I highly doubt anyone here would know. Google would provide the best answers. Guessing the size of most churches, I would say $200k to $400k for your medium sized churches, but that's assuming that sizes and prices are a little less than the cost of housing(less plumbing, fewer rooms). But I don't really know a thing.
There are too many variables to consider to give an accurate reading of how much a church costs. If you want the cheapest church you could possibly get, an estimate of $480.000,- would be in order. But there are also more expensive churches, some of which costed over $2.280.000,- to build... and that's leaving out a lot of other variables!
-- Data |
Er, what? Churches aren't built. They come ready made, like cathedrals and roman settlements.
A few years back, a church that was next door to me, spent like $300,000.00 to expand their church. I would imagaie, a decent, modern church, would cost a lot of money.
Funny you ask, right now, a few blocks from my house, there is a old, Gothic style church, with the church bell on the steeple for sale right now. |
There's this absolutely massive mega church being built near my house on extremely expensive land. That thing must be like $15,000,000
Yeah, the cost is probably around 500k for a church that is nothing special. The real issue im wordering about is how many churches are in america. Im using this for my speech on religion. Im going to estimate around how much money America alone has spent on churches, something which is dedicated to a belief that may not even be real, to that of which the money could have been spent on something like cancer research. Im guessing the amount is in the many billions.
Meh well... As everyone else has said you cant really place an area to much. A school over here just started building a new church. It ran about 750 or so Id say its a safe bet between 500 to a few million depending on the size..
Id say a normal going rate would be 500,000 for a smallish type one if you ask me. An 1 mill for something thats larger then the normal size church. 2 million for one that is just to freakin huge or maybe they built like some gold cross or something... In the end it depends on how much the land costs, gear such as speakers, chairs, lights etc. Then flooring can range in price depending on what you get. Glass can run many ranges some churchs have custom cuts. Parking is also a factor how much would it cost to make all that parking then they need permits an stuff to build an permission from the city to connect the street an maybe make a turn off. I mean it goes on an on grass would without a doubt be paid for in rolls an thats like 100 bucks a yard sometimes. LOL You wouldnt build one for a house thats for sure! |
Out of curiosity, have you tried visiting any churches and asking them how much the church cost to build? I figure if you're going to be doing a debate against religion, you owe it to religion to use them as an actual information source.
True, I very well may have to do that. Once I get a resonable estimate for the number of churches in the United States im going to average them at around $300,000 each(thats keeping it on the low end). I should come up with a number in the billions. Im going to use that number and personalize the speech by saying something like "The united states has $[number] invested into churches. Imagine if that money was invested into something that can actually be proven and is an acutal problem, such as cancer." That should create an eye-opening thought, especially because I know a few members of my audience have had family members close to them pass away due to cancer.
...How are church funds and cancer research funds related?
People came to America to avoid religious persecution, and now what are you trying to say? That people should stop believing in what they want and instead believe in what you say just because you feel you're superior? If people feel compelled to build churches in accordance with their religion, let them. Whether or not people are building churches won't affect their decision to donate to cancer research. And the point you're trying to get across is kind of ironic seeing as how religions have been a major source of funding for good causes such as cancer research. |
Zaole wrote:
People came to America to avoid religious persecution, and now what are you trying to say? That people should stop believing in what they want and instead believe in what you say just because you feel you're superior? I think he is just trying to suggest his feeling on the topic, which he is free to do, because of our freedom of speech. It would be illegal for him to take physical action against religion, and for good reason. And the point you're trying to get across is kind of ironic seeing as how religions have been a major source of funding for good causes such as cancer research. I would like to see some statistics on that. The funds most churches tend to give to are normally things like mission groups in third worlds. Which should not be considered a charity, seeing how missions are just fancy ways of spreading the religion, and missions in places like Africa have undoubtedly done more harm than good when it comes to their anti-condom agendas. |
I think your getting the wrong impression here. I have no desire to convert others, nor do I have any sort of hate towards religion. Im just using that church example becuase frankly the money spent into building churches is ridiculous. I cant even imagine how much money has been spent in the U.S. alone on churches. Now becuase a girl in my class is directly effected by cancer issues im going to personalize it which will only further persuade my audience into agreeing with my argument.
Knifo wrote:
Now becuase a girl in my class is directly effected by cancer issues im going to personalize it which will only further persuade my audience into agreeing with my argument. Yikes, that's a slippery slope. Choose your words very carefully, because if she is religious or if her family is religious and has been supporting cancer research, you're going to undermine yourself and possibly make her extremely angry. |
Why don't you also find out how much they collect in donations each week?
I bet it'll far surpass the initial cost of building the church. Take a guess where that money goes. People who need it. If you want to think religion sucks, good for you. Trying to convince anyone else the same is just plain stupid. |
Maybe ditch the church thing (if possible) and look at how much your country spends on military assets?...