        Add_Kage(mob/M as mob in world)
set category = "GM Tools"
switch(input("Which Kage?","Kage Selection") in kage)
switch(input("Who do you want to turn Hokage?","Kage Selection") in world)
usr<<"They are a Kage!"
world <<"[M] has become the new Hokage!!"
usr.rank = "Hokage"
M.kage = 1
switch(input("Who do you want to turn Kazekage?","Kage Selection") in world)
usr<<"They are a kage!"
world <<"[M] has become the new Kazekage!!"
usr.rank = "Kazekage"
M.kage = 2
switch(input("Who do you want to turn Mizukage?","Kage Selection") in world)
usr<<"They are a kage!"
world <<"[M] has become the new Mizukage!!"
usr.rank = "Mizukage"
M.kage = 3
switch(input("Who do you want to turn Otokage?","Kage Selection") in world)
usr<<"They are a kage!"
world << "[M] has become the new Otokage!!"
usr.rank = "Otokage"
M.kage = 4

Problem description:

Ok, I want an admin verb that will become to give the lower admin(or Hokage,Kazekage,Mizukage or Otokage) verbs to promote others, but I need to know what I need to chance so that only one person can be each type of "Kage" and I need for it to be able to see everyone who is online who's not a NPC. If you need more info just let me know.
Use a for() loop for every mob in the world, and check if they have a client.
In response to Kaiochao2536
Kaiochao2536 wrote:
Use a for() loop for every mob in the world, and check if they have a client.

You know what'd work better? Going through every mob, obj, area, and turf in the world, looking for a client.

Or, you know... just use for(var/client/C) to loop through all the clients.
In response to Garthor
Could you give me an example? So I can get the basic idea??
In response to Lundex
Exactly what Garthor said.
In response to Kaiochao2536
Minus the in world part and it is correct.
In response to GhostAnime
Can you give me a further example...I'm a somewhat noob trying to make 100% game made by me....and this is my time really asking for help. Because I know how to use the guide and whatnot...but I do have a problem when it comes down to understand things.

I'm down to few things before its really playable..
-Battle System(can't seem to get it right.)
-This(I'm trying, I'm trying..)
-The rest of my skills(Not very hard..)
-Finding test people(Which I know I can find that in the Ads)