Im stuck on chapter 1.2 part 6
When I start up the page, the whole screen is black and theres no icons anywhere, I followed all the steps, uploaded all the wall, floor, and player icons, can someone tell me what im doing wrong?
Nov 24 2007, 8:23 pm
Nov 24 2007, 8:25 pm
Have you placed the icons on the map yet?
In response to Jamesburrow
Can you post the source here so we can take a look to see what you're doing wrong?
Chapter 1.1 Part 3. Your Login() procedure ends before it could send your mob to the map.
In response to Kaiochao2536
I still dont get it, I got rid of te login() and put it at the bottom but still didn't work so I put it back newbitmapimage3wa2.png |
In response to Coolman1250
Might be confusing to you at first, but you should put "..()" at the end of your Login() proc. "..()" calls the default procedure, and it would be to connect the mob to a client and move it to the closest location to 1,1,1.
In response to Kaiochao2536
You've got that very, very backwards. First, CLIENTS connect to MOBS, not the other way around. Second, Login() is called AFTER a client connects to a mob. Third, the default action of Login() is to change client.statobj and then, if the mob doesn't already have a location, find one by scanning from 1,1,1 to maxx,1,1 to 1,2,1 to maxx,2,1 and so on, until it finds a non-dense turf. Then, it will attempt to Move() to that turf. It repeats this until your mob is moved to the map, or it runs out of turfs.
In response to Garthor
im still confused, do you mean put the the mobs in 1,1,1 to max? or can you give me a code of what you're talking about?
In response to Coolman1250
You just need to include the line
..() at some point in your Login() proc, if you override it. |
In response to Garthor
Garthor wrote:
You just need to include the line ..() at some point in your Login() proc, if you override it. The simplest explanation is just that having ..() in your mob/Login() proc automatically places the mob to whichever location (accessible by Move()) is closest to the bottom-left corner of the first map. Having ..() in mob/Login() can create huge lag spikes if you have a big map, just for future reference. So when you're at the point where you want new players logging in to be placed in a specific location, get rid of the ..() in mob/Login(). |
In response to Foomer
ok, I put it all in the code
turf floor icon = 'floor.dmi' wall icon = 'wall.dmi' density = 1 mob icon = 'player.dmi' mob Login() proc mob Move() mob ...() still doesn't work |
In response to Coolman1250
can anyone help me? all I need is to get pass this part :(
In response to Zythyr
thx, but even after adding that plus Move() but thx anyways guys, guess ill have to try coding again another time
In response to Coolman1250
Next time read the guide before you try to help him with it.
turf At part 6 of 1.2 this is all the code you should have. After you have created your map, and icon files, then they should be placed on the map and you should be able to see them all. There is a little zip file, so you can see an example. |
In response to Pirion
thx but when I uploaded it, the map didn't show up, even after I made the map it still comes all black
check it out: newbitmapimage3mg3.png |
In response to Coolman1250
You tried running mine? if so you need byond 4.0
In response to Pirion
so thats whats stopping me... well I cant download 4.0 on a 98, like I said in my previous topic so I guess I have to wait till I get a better computer