icon = 'closed urahara shop doors.dmi'
icon_state = "1"
name = "door closed"
layer = MOB_LAYER+2
density = 1
if(usr.loc == locate(4,7,1))
icon_state = "13"
density = 0
icon_state = "1"
ok so im trying to make it so that when a usr stands in front of the door it plays an animation of it opening(icon_state = "13")and turn its density to 0. Compiling shows no problems BUT when I try it it doesn't work any help?( i have thought maybe that its cause the if and else is only done once and i need to make it into a loop but how?)
Notice that there's no need for density. What's the point? You're opening it whenever somebody walks up to it anyway. Now, let's change this a bit to use variables, so we can easily define different types of doors:
See how much easier it is when all you need to do is type in five variables to make a door?