As I said before there are a lot of games that abuse the fact that byonds search system searchs the whole hub an not titles or tags. So heres a list of some games that abuse this to have there game pull up on more searchs. Even if its not related to the game. Also note how some of them are by the same person. DragonBallGTChainsOfDarkness

Here is one of the hubs i was talking about in my post before about abusing the tags thing...

I also noticed a few games using a menu that have a look for these games an though its nice of people to share an recommend games a hub really souldnt be the place for it.

I also got into contact with some of the game owners on the list an the ones I did ask said they didnt even know about the menu bar. So that leads me to believe that who ever is putting them up on there hub they are doing it for there own personal reasons.

Also I think there really be a rule that can be used to flag people that just use hubs for ads like this one.
I mean im all for people playing around with ideas but the hubs are ment for games not ads.. However correct me if im wrong in this case please...

Heres a yet another thing I have posted on thats annoying MYSPACE CSS BLAH! BleachShinigamivs.Arrancar

an this myspace layout screws the byond template all to hell... BleachOrganizationWars

I mean thats just a few all you got to do is put the search engine to use try searching myspace just about any myspace based css will pop up its head. As a note I used all games to find dead hubs too. The amount of usless hubs that are on byond is prob why lags byond to hell honestly...

I was able to find more then 1000+ hubs that were just nothing at all just the same text as the desc or games that have never been released or will never be released or games that have been closed etc. Honestly I think its time for byond to clean house xD Maybe wipe any hub that hasnt been active for more then like six months or something!

I dont know it just seems like a huge waste of server power to force byond to load hubs from games that arent even there an will never be there. The database must be huge from all the junk iv found. I bet a large amount of byonds database is just junk. :\
Ac19189 wrote:
I bet a large amount of byonds database is just junk. :\

A large amount of BYOND, period, is junk!

Thanks for the report. I agree that we should have a better filter to hide these garbage entries (or at least mark them as lower priority in the search results). We'll work on it.
In response to Tom
You know Tom, I agree, there is a huge database of stuff on BYOND that is all garbage, that is no longer any good, or is totally trash, no longer updated, ect. I think sometime in a future, a total database wipe of all hub entires would be in order, just to clear out the crap. I am willing to bet, that the collection of old/unused/worthless entires are taking up gigabytes of data.
In response to Tom
Tom wrote:
Ac19189 wrote:
I bet a large amount of byonds database is just junk. :\

A large amount of BYOND, period, is junk!

It's a pity you can't make a script to decide which hub entries are useful and which aren't, then clear out all the junk.
In response to Tiberath
Yes doing something like that be rather hard to do however I think as Baladin said a wipe of the whole database should be in order at some point to be honest. Just give everyone a warning to backup what they want on there hub an even if they dont back it up almost 99 percent of the people that really do use the hubs to replace any of the info that is lost or just recreate the hub.

I mean with all due respect most hub entries are just usless info on the game like kage's or who helped but you dont really forget that stuff so its just as easy to remake it I doubt many people would really care if it would help byond. I know I wouldnt mind adding my hubs again after a wipe at most people dont have anymore then maybe ten hubs. An some of the hubs they have they dont even use at this point.

Sure there is some areas that should be left alone in a wipe like that such as maybe dev section but the game hubs could be cleared no prob. An if they cant remember all they need to in order to post the hub back up then it shouldnt be up in the first place. I know i keep my hub info saved in a text file with the game an clear the hub entry if I dont plan on working on the game for a long time.

However any active host/coder/game owner is on byond enough that a month or so warning to backup ur hub is FAR enough time to get it done. If the owner isnt active enough to login within a month an get that hub info then oh well just have them start it over not much in hubs anymore that couldnt be replaced. Half the hubs are just in game info you can find out by playing it for a few hours.

Anyway thats my honest opinion on the matter seeing as people are far to lazy anymore to go through an clean out junk themselfs I think its the time to throw everything to the wind an start fresh with the launch of the site an 4.0 an all.
In response to Ac19189
Ac19189 wrote:
Yes doing something like that be rather hard to do however I think as Baladin said a wipe of the whole database should be in order at some point to be honest. Just give everyone a warning to backup what they want on there hub an even if they dont back it up almost 99 percent of the people that really do use the hubs to replace any of the info that is lost or just recreate the hub.

Except, there are games out there that the owner left BYOND forever ago yet the game is still regularly hosted and played.

However any active host/coder/game owner is on byond enough that a month or so warning to backup ur hub is FAR enough time to get it done. If the owner isnt active enough to login within a month an get that hub info then oh well just have them start it over not much in hubs anymore that couldnt be replaced. Half the hubs are just in game info you can find out by playing it for a few hours.

Except, as I said above, there are games where the owner is not active but the game itself is. There is no solve-all solution. Wiping the hubs would create a lot of problems.
In response to Jamesburrow
So make a list of active hosted games. If they are active just add them to a list not to clear if the game hasnt been hosted in say one year then clear it.
In response to Jamesburrow
Jamesburrow wrote:
Except, as I said above, there are games where the owner is not active but the game itself is. There is no solve-all solution. Wiping the hubs would create a lot of problems.

How about wiping all hub entries that don't have a download or connect to link? Any new hub entry that doesn't have either link would be deleted after 30 days of inactivity.

It would clear out all the junk (and be set to clear future junk) while saving the old games people play every now and then.
In response to SuperAntx
Now that could actually work.
And, possibly, for the sake of those of us who actually do like delving into the old games, remove the subscription requirement to download from those games that aren't hosted, updated, etc and the owner has disappeared? xD
I was trying to download an old game just earlier today that was published in 05 and it required a subscription to download xD
In response to Jamesburrow
Run into the subs all the time xD! All I know is something needs to be done about the junk because clearly people dont want to clean house themselfs. An the byond staff doesnt want to run a full time flag service just because yah that costs money. I know I would work for free but I cant speak for everyone LOL!

I mean they could very well code in a flag system like such as on youtube an stuff to report games an hubs etc. The only issue is staffing that system. An im sure lots of people are like me an would be willing to do it for free an for nothing an would just want to do it to help out but lots of other things come into play such as how can they trust this person etc etc. So yah really what it boils down to is an auto clean system needs to be thrown up or a wipe of dead hubs needs to happen ever few years maybe every two to three years.

An people could come up with lots of ways to go about it just time an money is always a factor.