In response to SuperSaiyanGokuX
There ya go.
That'll work!

Between my griping about it in this iteration, and in regards to your own signature generation efforts in the thread at ID:1362597, I guess I'd better put one or both of these to use somehow!
I've been mimicking your banner and such and I think I have you beat ;3

Preview to come!
They have stars now!

Nice! What factors go into setting the number of stars? (same as Kozuma's vague list earlier?)

Pretty much identical, yeah.

Two and a half stars? My heart breaks. </3

Really cool :D I thought I would have less stars haha
Love it!
Here's the source if anyone wants it:

those are some pretty cool little signatures shame that byond doesn't have a preset area to show them like other forums.
My updated banner :3

Nice =D.
In response to SuperSaiyanGokuX
SuperSaiyanGokuX wrote:
Nice! What factors go into setting the number of stars? (same as Kozuma's vague list earlier?)

Still working on a few things but for the most part it's coming along nicely C:

Heeeeyyy, that's nice.

My only CC is that the "BYOND" in the background might need to be a bit more transparent/desaturated/whatever to make it blend into the back a little more and allow the text to pop a bit better against it. Perhaps a happy medium between Nadrew's "if you squint, and there's no glare on your screen, you can *almost* just see it" and your

[Edit:] Note to reader; my above comment no longer applies, as Kozuma has made the requested correction, and updated the image in the post
In response to Fugsnarf
Fugsnarf wrote:

Now hurry up and make it so you don't have to generate them by hand when people want it, use the source I posted =P
Your update made me go down a star :(
I like how it looks with the lines over the stars, I changed mine to do that too =P
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