Recently I have added a skill point system to a game i run and i noticed a little bug it gives whoever u award skill points to 150 but for some reason the players can keep using the points even after they zero out. my friend and I have Both looked over the code for the points but we cant find the bug can anyone help out
![]() Feb 24 2008, 12:52 pm
Sorry forgot about the code
mob var/skill_points verb Spend_Skill_Points() switch(input(usr,"Distribute Points","[src.skill_points] remaining",text) in list ("Health","Reiatsu","Attack","Defense","Reiatsu Power")) if("Health")mhealth += input("How many points do you want to use on health","[src.skill_points] remaining",text)as num if("Reiatsu")mrei += input("How many points do you want to use on reiatsu","[src.skill_points] remaining",text)as num if("Attack")attack += input("How many points do you want to use on attack","[src.skill_points] remaining",text)as num if("Defense")defence += input("How many points do you want to use on defence","[src.skill_points] remaining",text)as num if("Reiatsu Power")reiatsu += input("How many points do you want to use on reiatsu power","[src.skill_points] remaining",text)as num if(skill_points > 0 && skill_points <= src.skill_points) src.skill_points -= skill_points src <<"You now have [src.skill_points] points" here is the verb for it mob verb GM_Help() switch(input("This will send an alert to all GMs, if you use this verb without reason you will be punished. Are you sure you want to use this verb?", text) in list ("Yes","No")) if("Yes") var/msg=input("What do you want to say?","Alert")as text for(var/mob/M in world) if(M.GM) M << "<font color = lime>ALERT: [usr] has alerted us and the reason is [msg]!" and here is the var var/tmp/Spend_Skill_Points //(put this ne where) view=8 random tmp/skill_points sorry im not that great at posting here |
There's a reason for the auto-layout in this board... but anyhow.
if("Health")mhealth += input("How many points do you want to use on health","[src.skill_points] remaining",text)as num This means "If they choose Health, add their inputted number to mhealth. Fullstop." - you don't even check if they have enough skill_points! Only at the end, AFTER you've given them the bonus, do you attempt to take away skill_points. if(skill_points > 0 && skill_points <= src.skill_points) If they have more than 0 skill_points, take away the skill_points (which is like say "take x away from x") else, don't bother. Very randomly pieced together piece of code, really, and the admin verb (stolen???) is nothing to do with it. ~Ease~ |
If its a problem in YOUR code, then just check wherever it takes points away and make it cancel the function if they have less than the required points available.