How would you have the game go through all the icon file names?

I'm coming up with an indexing system, basically I'm going to store every icon_state for every icon file in an array of images so that equipment overlays won't require new image objects everytime someone equips something
No one?
Consider the shell proc. The DM F1 help includes an example of using it to get directory of files. You'd have to parse out the dmi ones. Then IconStates proc for the rest.

I'm no expert, so there might be a better way...
In response to Traztx
So the hosts will have to run the server in trusted mode?
In response to Obs
I was just reviewing savefiles in the DM guide and noticed some interesting code. Maybe you could do something like for(var/V in vars) if(isicon(V) ...
In response to Traztx
I've never seen this vars thing before used that way.

I have a question, if I define an object in the code, is it possible to reference the default variables of that object type without creating an instance of the object?
In response to Obs
In response to Garthor
So then where does BYOND pull out the default variables when making new objects?
In response to Obs
BYOND was not written with BYOND.
In response to Garthor
Looks like I fell right into that one.
In response to Obs
Not sure what the potential values would be useful for at runtime. I suppose you could simulate this by creating the instance, peeking at the defaults, then del'ing it.