hub = "Bluntmonkey.PokeRhodium"
hub_password = "I1Wj3z1wPsCa09pO4"
name = " Pokemon Rhodium "
status = "<font color = blue>Version 0.01<br>Host: Main Host -- Bluntmonkey</font><font color = red><i>"
view = 10

Problem description:

doesnt show up on the dreamseeker client
Cheers on posting your hub password, by the way.
For your problem, try to verify the name variable is indeed being set to what you specified. Output it by a testing verb perhaps ( usr << "([])" ). If it succeeds and you are getting the wanted name output, try a different name - namely, try removing the space(s) in the beginning.

If it still doesn't work, if you're using a custom interface, it might be the source of the problem. Try temporarily removing it.

Oh, and on the way, also, your HTML is badly done. Don't put spaces between attributes and their values (color = blue). If anyone's wondering, yes, there are definitely times when this breaks your tag completely.
In response to Kaioken
lol as u can see its just a multijumbled random letterings for a password 2nd if u try to go to the hub you will notice this game isnt there. so doesnt matter LOL anyways hmm thanks for the help