Xorbah wrote:
I have the V3 host files, I could host if needed. Host please.. Bought new laptop to play this game and its down -_- |
I have been waiting for SOOOOO long to play this game again!! What are the latest updates? What's been added?? Do you have Jinchuuriki's in it now????? :3 :3 :3 |
There's an update list when you login and only two bijuus are in right now; Ichibi and Nibi. The rest will be added once we have the icons for them :)
i'm muted for some reason i didn't even say anything i can't hit save it doesn't let me talk to the guy so i can't enter the real world it doesn't let me use jutsu points and i don't know how to pick my clan
Asakuraboy? Could you make it so people can CHOOSE their village? The random village thing has gotten really old. :P
Egg, finish the tutorial. Then you can save, pick your clan and all the rest. :p
Eddy, the random villages is to make sure that each village has roughly the same amount of players so that wars aren't one sided and all the rest. It doesn't even have that big an impact on your play :p |
damn that sucks... never got to use my storm and black lightning aburame, well it was fun while it lasted good game.
Hopefully we'll be back soon!