![]() Apr 10 2008, 3:00 pm
yes i need a jump code so when you click it then it sends your person upward and over a few spaces in the direction they were facing (besides up or down only side to side) the game i need it for is super smash brothers melee(alpha stages havent even finished 1 map due to autohost/attack/jump code problems i have yet to start attack im working on getting the autohost code and jump im asking for atm, also if you think you might be interested in helping me code in some attacks page me at SadoSoldier thanks
The if() statements are pointless, you're misusing the second argument to Move(), and all those return statements are pointless. Let me cut that down:
North() |
okay i dunno if this will help because my code is competly wrong but edit it and see if you can get it to work plz =\
mob verb Jump() set category = "Battle" for(var/turf/M as turf in T) if(dir == "EAST") usr.loc = locate(x+4,y+2,z) sleep(5) usr.loc = locate(x-4,y+2,z) if(T.density == 1) return if(dir == "NORTH") return if(dir == "SOUTH") return if(dir == "WEST") usr.loc = locate(x+4,y-2,z) sleep(5) usr.loc = locate(x-4,y-2,z) if(T.density == 1) return |
Would this help any? I know it isnt exactly what your after but might be good enough to fiddle with