Whenever i log on i cant move all my turfs are density = 1 my map is just fine everything should work but my person can't move when you log on... why?
Your not supposed to have all turfs density = 1 unless you have your character density = 0. Only wall turfs should be density = 1
In response to Signako
sorry thats what i ment all my turfs are 0 and my character is 1 =\ my bad
Did you override Move()?

That may be the problem
In response to Techgamer
Whats an example of how i could've overode it?
In response to SadoSoldier
In response to Techgamer
sorry nope nothing even close to that in my game
In response to SadoSoldier
well does anyone else have any ideas?
In response to SadoSoldier
In which case you've changed mob/Move(), client/Move(), or client/North() (or East() or so on). You might've also deleted your movement macros.
In response to Garthor
uhhhhhh ohhhhhh
client/Move(var/atom/newloc, var/dir)
if(dir & EAST|WEST) //if the movement is in a north or south direction
return 0
return ..()

could that have nething to do with it
In response to SadoSoldier
woot it fixed tyvm
In response to SadoSoldier
Uhhhh linked to that problem is this code

icon = 'trees.dmi'
icon_state = "144"
density = 0
usr.loc = locate(x-2,y,z)
usr << "The wind blew so hard it knocked you back a few steps!"

any idea on how to fix that =\ cuz for some reason i cant walk through it
In response to SadoSoldier
Because you're misusing Enter(). That should be Entered(), and you shouldn't be using usr in it. Look up Entered() in the reference.