Yeah well okay okay. It depends whether you're talking about the map file or the map itself (ie what you see in-game) and stuff, but there's no need to argue over this.
Um, no it doesn't. They are the same map. One is a file, and one is an instance, but they contain the same things.
That may be true, but it's not really how areas were meant to be used.
Well, it's a documented feature. And since adding to area.contents also has a special effect, I wouldn't say the BYOND Staff didn't mean you to have the option to do this.
What's even the point of having multiple instances of the same area type? [...] There's not much point in even using multiple instances of the same area type.
Oh, it's definitely possibly useful and there is point to it. I used to have a few possible ideas once before I looked into this because of this very topic, but that was a long time ago so I forgot. But, you could ask Obs here what his current idea for it is. Care to share Obs?
There is no use. There is no need for two instances of an area of the same type. It doesn't allow you to do anything you can't do with one instance. Areas are not objects. They are nothing more than "ideas" which contain turfs. If your "idea" is the same, there is no reason to need two. If your "idea" is not the same, a new type is required. Anything else is a pointless waste of areas.
You're ultimately right, but it can still possibly confuse readers that posts keep saying things differently.
If I feel that saying it differently will provide better understanding, I'll say it. If not, then it doesn't need to be said. The level of confusion in the rest of this topic prompted me to make a more straight-forward post, to gather the good information into a single post while leaving the confusion out.
Well, I doubt you've checked them all to be relevant though. Either way, I've browsed lots of question topics and don't think I've seen one about this before, so they must be quite rare.
Rarer than posts about objs or mobs or 'how i code NPCs?', but BYOND is rather old these days. Areas have been covered numerous times in great depth. No, not all 9800 posts for "area help" have useful info, but a forum search (which everyone should do before making a new post), almost always provides the info you need. Just because you haven't seen a thread specifically explaining what an area is, doesn't mean it doesn't exist. This forum conatains some 630,000+ posts. I'd be shocked if anyone could say they've seen them all, or even a minute portion of them.
Yes you can. You just need to use the instance menu on the left.