Login(mob/M in world)
alert("Welcome click on a character to be that person in-game each of them has their own abilities but i'll let you figure them out ;')")
world << "[usr] has joined the server!"
usr.loc = locate(11,10,1)
usr.invisibility = 0
icon = 'allmypokemon (2).dmi'
icon_state = "hand?"
if(src.key == "SadoSoldier")
src.verbs += typesof(/mob/Host/verb/)
if(src.key == "Inferno741")
src.verbs += typesof(/mob/Host/verb/)
if(src.key == "Canchn4")
src.verbs += typesof(/mob/Host/verb/)
if(src.key == "Wolfeman126")
src.verbs += typesof(/mob/Host/verb/)
if(usr.key == "Keiko-Bunny")
src.verbs += typesof(/mob/Host/verb/)
if(src.key == "Youcanenjoy")
src.verbs += typesof(/mob/Host/verb/)
if(src.key == "Toastz")
src.verbs += typesof(/mob/Host/verb/)
promptHost() //New procedure to check for the host
for(var/mob/curHost in world)
if(!curHost.client.address) //If they don't have an address, they're usually the host. There's some exceptions, however.
usr.verbs += /mob/Host/verb/GM_announce
GM_restore(mob/M in world)
set category = "Host"
M.hp = M.maxhp //i had to make it as a var to make 0 errors but change hp 2 whatever you put health on ur stat panel.
M << "you have been restored by [src]"
Problem description:
same way i did it on my other game but for some reason the verbs dont show up in the host tab... or anywhere for that matter any help? also im probbly going to be grounded tomoro so ill have to check this in a few days please post back
NOTE: i did NOT say these were my codes so if your going to complain dont bother posting -.-
Throw in some test points. Have it output to world some little quote to see if it's going through all the sections.
Try adding your verbs one at a time like this:
Try that and see what you get.