Why wont... My Mob Appear Even When i Define It WTF..

icon ='person.dmi'
health = 10
strength = 40
defence = 60
level = 1
hp = 20
max.dp = 90
str = 40
lvl = 1
def = 60
race = "Noob"
Firstly, place your code in <dm> tags. Now, if the file 'person.dmi' has named icon states and none that are simply have a blank name, none will be assigned. You'd have to set icon_state to see the icon. This is assuming the mob is actually getting placed on the map somewhere, of course.
In response to Popisfizzy
Popisfizzy wrote:
Firstly, place your code in <dm> tags. Now, if the file 'person.dmi' has named icon states and none that are simply have a blank name, none will be assigned. You'd have to set icon_state to see the icon. This is assuming the mob is actually getting placed on the map somewhere, of course.

umm he doesn't really need to define person just

icon = 'person.dmi'

In response to Master rla
I assume he's trying to make a base NPC.
In response to Popisfizzy
Popisfizzy wrote:
I assume he's trying to make a base NPC.

ah I got you. Goes to show I need to improve my coding skills.