May 5 2008, 9:25 am
I would just like to know how to make currency. I know it stupid, but I am stupid ... For instance, I want to buy Cheese for 50 gold.
In response to VVi11i4m
Thank you very much!!
In response to VVi11i4m
The correct term is "cheesemonger" or, alternatively, "cheesesmith".
In response to Jujitsubb777
How do I make it were I can actually to talk him lol... I can't get him to talk...
(show the goods is what i meen by talk) |
In response to Jujitsubb777
Hm? Like...
verb/Talk() |
In response to Jujitsubb777
Ok combining all of the things said here is the verb with talking and cheesemonger
mob |
Those others are just simple examples. You need to take into account inflation, demand & availability of products, the fact that the local rulers of the land will want to nab your money in exchange for the town guards to protect you from thiefs (whom are not doing a very good job at that).
item And here we have our little world. There are two countries, the Cran and the Lukio, each with their own currency. Each country has a Bank Teller around somewhere (usually in a bank) which will trade one currency for another. Lukio also has a clothes shoppe, with a shopkeeper who hates Cran and will not accept their money. Exercise #1: The bank teller is pretty static. Try to make the exchange rate dynamic depending on the amount of gold bars the Cran and Lukio lands possess. Exercise #2: The clothes shop should have a similar aspect to it. Depending on how many pants the shopkeeper has available, increase or lower the price. If the shopkeeper has 100 pairs of pants, the price would be lower than if the shopkeeper only had 5. -- Data |
In response to Android Data
You might also want to take into account the possibility of the cheesemonger being out of cheese, the cheese rotting, and so forth. Or, you might want to just do what the thread creator asked for and leave it at that.
In response to Android Data
wow i had never thought of using supply and demand, that is actually pretty cool a little currency rate built into a game.
obviously you will need to make cheese obj and cheeseseller icon but that is how you can sell items.