-bash: /home/****/bin/DreamDaemon: No such file or directory
****@digiyond:~/bin$ cd /home/****/bin/
****@digiyond:~/bin$ dir DreamDaemon DreamMaker byondsetup libext.so
Can anyone explain this?
I'm on Ubuntu 8.04 LTS (hardy) and I've been tackling this for the past 3 hours now.
Cinnom wrote:
If it's a 64-bit server, you may need to install ia32-libs:
sudo apt-get install ia32-libs
This is not the correct way to run DreamDaemon (at least, I can only assume, you did not show the command you tried to use).
1. Ensure you have installed BYOND correctly ('make here').
2. Execute (or source) the bin/byondsetup script.
3. Run DreamDaemon without any path (the setup script adds the bin directory to your environment path), with the arguments you want.
If you are dealing with some BYOND server provider then the above instructions are probably not correct and you should contact them.