![]() May 17 2008, 2:19 pm
In response to Obs
Old school with uncensored comments. ;)
Fint wrote:
Besides, I think there is also a big difference between code that one person uses or code that a team is supposed to work on. Not really, because if a few months or years down the road someone has to come back and try to understand the code, it doesn't matter whether its your or someone else. If you used easy to read code, it'll be easy to understand, and if you didn't, it'll be a headache. I hate headaches. Since everyone else is posting chunks of their code, I might as well throw in my fair share. I've decided that I'm a big fan of white space and line breaks. I dislike having multiple lines merged into one, and I like all of my variables to be reasonably straightforward, although I use a few generic letter variables for common things such as "M" usually referring to the targeted mob. I'm also happy to say that I find my code very easy to understand when I come back to it several months down the road. /* |
ah, forgot that
many of my comments are actually laced with some profanity. A clear sign of past frustrations. |
I for one, almost never use comments unless it's a hacky-piece of code I know I'm going to have trouble understanding later on.
Whitespace is all well and good, but generally I'll only use it to separate procs in the one group as opposed to inside the proc itself. Generally I don't have any trouble reading my own code. Obligated snippet. General_Interface |
Sometimes I compact lines that are closely related. Mostly combining variable assignments that describe something singular, like coordinates. Most of the time I don't, though. Generally, I prefer whitespace in and around my procs. Usually, I space procs two newlines apart, and larger code sections with 3 newlines. One newline separates sections of procedures that are not closely related, to give my eyes some downtime between reading lines of code. I have been accused of using whitespace too much, but these people are not worth listening to, in my opinion.
Comments, on the other hand, I am not so good about. For the most part, I take the position that if wrote it, I should have little trouble reading it and understanding what's going on. It's a self-delusion, I know. Many times I've gone back and was completely lost in my own illogical statements. For this, and other reasons stated here in this thread, I try and comment when it seems appropriate. I'll admit, I'm still learning when that appropriate time is. :/ Here's a couple procs from Chatters' source, to show some of my better programming habits. proc |
Xooxer wrote:
Generally, I prefer whitespace in and around my procs. Usually, I space procs two newlines apart, and larger code sections with 3 newlines. I don't like adding whitespace when a proc is very straight forward. As you can see with my above is_checked() proc. is_checked(window, list) for(var/A in list) if(winget(caller, "[window].[A]", "is-checked") == "true") return copytext(A, findtext(A, "_")+1) I'd prefer to have it in one line as opposed to three or four. However, when a proc gets difficult, I'll write it using mass amounts of whitespace per section (for example anything that uses a switch). But afterwards I'll remove the non-necessary whitespace within the proc itself. |
I'd infinitely prefer the multi-line one over the one-liner. Very straightforward code isn't very straightforward after its compressed. If its straightforward, then LEAVE IT STRAIGHTFORWARD!
If you find it straightforward because its a proc that you're familiar with, then it still doesn't help if you make it hard for someone else to read, since you never know when someone else might read your code. You also never know when your programming style might change and a once familiar proc becomes something you're not used to anymore. |
Tiberath wrote:
I'd prefer to have it in one line as opposed to three or four. In the given example, I'd definitely use the four-line version myself for the express reason that the other forces horizontal scrolling. I somewhat strictly enforce an 80-horizontal-character limit in my source code (tab stops at 2 spaces) because horizontal scrolling is one of the most time-consuming operations -- you can't use a scrollwheel to do it unless the application is specifically designed to enable it, and having to move directly to the scrollbar in order to manually drag the slider every time you want to see what's off the screen is a huge headache. =) |
Foomer wrote:
I'd infinitely prefer the multi-line one over the one-liner. Very straightforward code isn't very straightforward after its compressed. If its straightforward, then LEAVE IT STRAIGHTFORWARD!tell that to lummox JR. his Runt Source is like impossible to understand. it's like... all one line. |
That's on purpose. The 4k contest has to have source code under four kilobytes, and the best way to do that is to condense it down like that.
Popisfizzy wrote:
That's on purpose. The 4k contest has to have source code under four kilobytes, and the best way to do that is to condense it down like that. well it's pretty much impossible to understand. i'd like to know how ANYONE understands it. |
Popisfizzy wrote:
He had to for the 4k contest. well i feel bad for anyone that had to read the migraine-inducing 'thing' called the runt source. |
Thing? It's still better-programmed than you or I could do. Just because it's compressed doesn't make it poorly programmed. It just makes it difficult to read.
[Edit] It probably employs practices Lummox normally wouldn't do, though, as they shorten the length of his code, as is the nature of the 4k contest. |
Popisfizzy wrote:
Thing? It's still better-programmed than you or I could do. Just because it's compressed doesn't make it poorly programmed. It just makes it difficult to read. i'd sooner yank my tounge out and shove it before i code anything that stupid. mob/verb/say(t as text) world<<"[usr]: [t] that doesnt save ANY space at all. and it's harder on the eyes. |
Nobody had to read it. The challenge of the contest was to write a game where the source code is less than 4 kilobytes in size. In order to verify this, the source code is provided, so the judges can say, "Okay, that's less than 4 kilobytes, and it compiles, so it's a valid source code." They aren't reading it.
Eternal Desire wrote:
tell that to lummox JR. his Runt Source is like impossible to understand. it's like... all one line. The source code for Runt that's publicly downloadable isn't the source code that Lummox wrote. Lummox first created the game, and then he took a series of steps to condense the code so that it took up as little space as possible. Basically its the equivalent of taking a text file and running it through a zip program, then opening it up in a text editor. Yes, it looks like jibberish, because it is. But it wasn't written as jibberish, it looks like that because its compressed. |
Foomer wrote:
Eternal Desire wrote: I wonder what the original Runt source looks like, then. |