proc/Square(var/atom/A) //this proc draws a square up and to the right of the player
var/list/square = new
var/max_dist = round((A.radius+31)/32) + 1 // atoms with bigger radius need to include more tiles (radius is in pixels)
for(X = A.x+1, X <= A.x+max_dist, X++)
for(Y = A.y+1, Y <= A.y+max_dist, Y++)
square += locate(X,Y,1) // loop adding the tiles to the list
Distance(A, square, A.radius + 32) // do i need to say list/square?
// pretty sure this works so far
proc/Distance(var/atom/A, var/list/L, radius)
for(var/turf/T in L) // for only the turf contained on the list // do i need to specify that these are turfs?
var/list/circle = new
var/closest_x = ((T.x - A.x) * 32) - A.tile_x + 1 // the closest pixel 1,1 is checked
var/closest_y = ((T.y - A.y) * 32) - A.tile_y + 1
if(closest_x^2 + closest_y^2 < radius^2)
circle += T // adds the tile to the new list, which should be the upper right corner of a circle
// i need a better verb for testing, i got no output. maybe making tiles inside the range luminous?
It compiles but doesnt do what i need. I wasnt going to ask for help on it so that i could present it when its finished but i dont see that happening without help. When im done its gonna rock!