Well, I must've made a coding error, but I've no idea which one.

My map screen is black upon login and stays black whatever I do. I am sure my location is correct and I am sure sight is visible.

What exactly in code can make a screen go black upon next compile'n'run?
Add ..() to the end of your mob/Login() and client/New() procs if you've overridden them.
In response to Darkmag1c1an11
Didn't work.
command_text="OOC "
mob<<"[WARNING]{[Players.len]/[servermax]} Server player ammount reached. Please bear with any lag."
world<<"<B><font color=gray>NSC Information: <font color=yellow>[mob]</font><font color=silver> <font color=green><u>joined</u></font> the server."
..() // wtf o.o????
In response to Sokkiejjj
Could someone please help me?
In response to Sokkiejjj
What's the Login code?
In response to Jemai1
It's the client/New() in my previous post.
In response to Sokkiejjj
I'm talking about mob/Login() which is called by client/New().
In response to Jemai1
There's no mob/Login().
It has been due that whole source, and I never had problems until now.
In response to Sokkiejjj
1) You need only one parent procedure (..()) called.

2) Have you recently modified anything else that can directly affect the movement or the client's eye/perspective? Ex: Move()?

3) If no idea abou #2, do you remember what you programmed when that happened? If so, try commenting out and see if the cause is within. If it is, track it down.