turf/teleport/DeathToHell//the name of our turf
if(istype(M,/mob))//is it a mob that entered?
M << "You are starting to get ressurected"
M << "You are transfered to the Safe Zone"
M.icon = 'Goodwitchs.dmi'
M.icon_state = M.original_icon
world << "<font color=blue>[M] is alive again</font>"
M.RolePlaying = 1

name = ""
density = 0
turf/teleport/DeathToEarth//the name of our turf
if(istype(M,/mob))//is it a mob that entered?
M << "You are starting to get ressurected"
M.icon = 'Goodwitchs.dmi'
M.icon_state = M.original_icon
M.RolePlaying = 1
world << "<FONT COLOR=red>War information</FONT>: [M] is alive again"

Problem description:
Yes.. Another problem with my coding.. Probably getting annoyed huh lolz.. Anyway... When you revive you go to spawn zone but you have no icon.. I tried different ways but it's not working.. Please help
Probably because the original_icon variable isn't set to a valid icon state.
In response to Garthor
How do I make it so They will have the original icon they had before they died?
In response to Monti
Save it in a variable, then restore it later.
In response to Garthor
I already have original_icon as a variable
In response to Monti
Yes, but you're putting the wrong thing in it, which is the problem.
In response to Garthor
well what do i put? M.icon_state = "original_icon"?
In response to Monti
Everything you have is fine, except where you're actually giving original_icon a value. You're setting it to something that isn't an actual icon state and so therefore, when you copy it to icon_state, you get no icon.
In response to Garthor
Im sorry that I'm really bad at this... Im new at coding K.. Just can ya please tell me where to put original_icon? Please?!
In response to Monti
You're not new to coding, why you made your own game. Oh sorry I forgot you ripped it. Go read the DM Guide and then start asking questions.

- Miran94