This could be the wrong forum but it his how-to so... How do i add my game to the BYOND Anime part I clicked submit to a guild but it only lets me submit to Arcade.. not that i've clicked it yet but it doesn't belong in arcade so... Any advice?
Did you join BYOND Anime's guild?
In response to GhostAnime
uhhh i just went to their site and it said my rank was player =\
In response to SadoSoldier
Hm, doesn't show up for me either.

Maybe they have it so only people of a certain rank can submit it to BYOND Anime?
In response to GhostAnime
Hmmm not sure :\ i'm still trying to figure it out if i find anything out i'll tell ya.
In response to SadoSoldier
I'm pretty sure that they add your game to the guild if it has a fair amount of players on it, one of them likes it, it has a good rank, or it's live for a while.