turf //if I try object it totally bypasses the Enter() proc
icon = 'door.dmi'
density = 0
opacity = 1
usr << "You enter."
src.icon_state = ""
Problem description:Ok, now if it's a turf that I'm entering through, when the door flicks through it's opening animation, it works fine. Problem is that it doesn't show the floor under it but is instead black where the door was before. Now if I try making the door an object so that the door would be above the turf through the atom concept, the Enter() proc is bypassed completely as if it's not even there ... someone please help I haven't programmed DM in a while and I have no clue wth is going on...?
You can use /obj/door, and it will work fine.
Use the mob/Bump() proc to determined if it's bumped into a door. While in this proc you would use the istype() proc to check if it's a door. Read up on those two procs if you don't know how to use them.