I didn't get this one for like years. I know I am an honors student at my college but this went really slow for me. I didn't get it until someone explained it to me. So for those who don't get it now I will say what they are: sleep() stops all statements below it, spawn() stops all statements inside it but others below spawn continue simultaneously as soawn. There are different times you have to use either.
I got it once. Forgot how it worked again. Got it again. Forgot again. Now I got it again and I will forever remember it. Took me 6 years to learn it. Kind of sad in my opinion. :(
Honors in college? What classes?

Sounds to me like you two just suckkk, though.
That's dubious, simple by their names at the least. Literally, spawn something after x time, sleep the code until x time is passed.
I never really liked the name 'spawn' for the spawn() proc/command. True story; when I started programming in BYOND I was trying to use spawn() to create objects.
In response to Doohl
Doohl wrote:
True story; when I started programming in BYOND I was trying to use spawn() to create objects.

Wow, I'm really not the only one that thought this way. That makes me feel slightly better.
I don't really use spawn() and sleep() much in my projects, though I do know what they are used for. Sleep() is used once in each of my projects, which is only to sleep the main update loop.

// update code goes here.
return src

The spawn()ing of the update loop allows the world object to be returned. Usually inside of the while loop I'd have a function called _Update() which handles the updating of specific objects.
The loop should definitely not be within world/New(), that's for sure. You should have as little code inside of world/New() as possible. You should have a proc that does the looping instead.

spawn() WorldLoop()

// update code goes here.

You should also not be using 'return' in world/New() =P
It shouldn't matter too much if the code is spawn()ed whether or not it lies inside of a proc on its own. I actually do quite a bit of initialization within world/New(), called in separate global procs just to break up the code into more convenient blocks. I don't usually return in world/New() but if anything, I don't think it hurts matters.
Except that returning the wrong value inside of world/New() will cause your game to fail start-up with a 'bad world' error. As for it mattering if you have a bunch of code inside of world/New() -- it doesn't, but it's sure a lot easier to find problems with things if said things are executing on their own. A callstack error pointing at a big ol' mess of world/New() isn't quite as helpful as one pointing to a much smaller proc. Especially if you do a release build without debug mode enabled.

It's also better for code readability.
I hate seeing "spawn()" in code with the parentheses and no number. It's a minor peeve, I guess.
spawn while()


After finding out that sleep never requires parentheses, I'm starting to dislike including them as well. I'm just crazy.

I've never had a problem with not returning anything in world/New(). The reference doesn't say it has any significant return value, and it says there's no default action, so ..() is only necessary for multiple overrides. The only New() that has a significant return value is client/New(). Other procs that use return values that people often leave out is Move() or Enter/Exit().
Personally I prefer using spawn() and sleep() with parentheses. I use them like procs, despite them not necessarily being procs in the first place. However, it keeps things consistent.

Though I know how much you like to screw up consistency, Kaio. :P

For one you regularly use var x instead of var/x, which is downright crazy. But then again, maybe I'm crazy for thinking that's crazy. We're all crazy!
In response to Doohl
At least I'm super-consistent with my apparent inconsistencies.

This is another case of unnecessary parentheses:
new type ()

// worst-case scenario:
var type/object = new type ()

// instead of:
var type/object = new