i personaly think it would be cool if instead of giving everyone your email adress that you could have a byond email address Example:[email protected]. or you could make an email name so its more personal Example:[email protected]. i think that would be cool...
oh and stay cool :B
Jul 8 2008, 5:56 am
This was talked about a while ago, and the answer then, as it probably will be now, is no. [email protected] is primarily used for staff members, as it is an official-sounding email address.
In response to Popisfizzy
Oldbie members who had key.byond.com I believe have [email protected] emails.
I could be mistaken though. |
Mastermatthew wrote:
i personaly think it would be cool if instead of giving everyone your email adress But you can already do this. There is useful functionality for pretty much this already implemented. When you page someone, there is a checkbox to send the message to his email instead (that is registered with his key). Of course, this is also customizable, meaning you can disallow pages towards your e-mail from your pager's preferences. that you could have a byond email address Example:[email protected]. or you could make an email Running the site's and hub's servers is costly enough on BYOND as it is. They do not need to pay for (2) e-mail servers too. In fact, they more so really don't need to do it because that are hundreds of free e-mail providers on the internet, including e-mail forwarding services, that can be used. |
In response to Kaiochao
actually it would still be useful cause the pager goes off any you recieve a small mesage or invite thats now email would be like you get on and here news or if someone emails you from another email
In response to Mastermatthew
Mastermatthew wrote:
actually it would still be useful cause the pager goes off any you recieve a small mesage or invite thats now email Nope, I don't believe so. Like I said, the sender needs to check a checkbox when sending in order to direct the message to the e-mail instead of the pager of the recipient, and it can additionally be disabled by the recipient if he doesn't like it. Irregardless, I have also provided other reasons why this isn't a good idea, but at any case Popisfizzy says this was turned down already before by the staff, so arguing is pretty pointless anyway. My main purpose was to point out the main reason you're requesting this feature because of is actually already satisfied by an existing feature, not to argue whether this is a good idea or not. |
I personally wouldn't mind a [email protected] (or [email protected], or whatever the domain may be), but I don't think BYOND should manage any web accounts. At most, I think this would be useful for forwarding e-mails to an already-present address.
For example, in the Account settings, there might be a checkbox to the effect of "Forward e-mails to [your_ckey]@byondhome.com to your registered e-mail address," so that if my key Kuraudo were registered with the e-mail "[email protected]" and I had the option selected, e-mails to "[email protected]" would be forwarded to "[email protected]." Then on users' pages, it might indicate whether or not the [ckey]@byondhome.com e-mail were active, and then people would have an easier way of getting in contact with each other---if I needed to e-mail Scoob, I would just send one out care of [email protected]. |
In response to Kuraudo
Wouldn't that still require BYOND to set up "major" e-mail servers, though? I could be wrong, but that's the way I see it. Only more bandwidth for them...
You Wrote: -if I needed to e-mail Scoob, I would just send one out care of [email protected]. Or you could just use the pager to do the same, but with the current system and without BYOND needing to handle incoming e-mails. >_>" |
Mastermatthew wrote:
i personaly think it would be cool if instead of giving everyone your email adress that you could have a byond email address I don't think it'd be cool giving everybody a @byond.com or even a @byondhome.com email address. Why? Because BYOND is not a mail provider; it falls under the 'game creation' category of services. If you want an e-mail address, get a bloody gmail account or sign up for other free providers such as Hotmail or Yahoo or AOL or such. No need for BYOND to get involved here -- if anything they could make sending to other users' e-mail more of an option besides a single checkbox which may or may not work depending on the users' personal settings. The BYOND Pager really shouldn't be used as an alternative to popular chat programs like MSN or AIM -- it should be used to quickly contact others, such as hosts, to be able to send short and discreet messages. Ultimately you should use the pager to provide contact details so you can continue your discussion on GTalk or MSN or such. The way I see things, is that the BYOND Pager program is a centralized program that maintains the connection to the BYOND Hub and provides basic, global text messaging. If you actually want to do chats you could host a chat game, but forcing the BYOND Pager to change it's job from the above to additionally providing full mail services on top of that is insane. Not just the concerns of BYOND straying off from being what it is, but if this were implemented, an e-mailaddress would have to be made for every key that exists which would tax on the amount of space BYOND Staff has got to store information, and that -- since you can easily sign up for one or multiple keys -- that such a mail service could be easily abused by third-parties looking for a way to send their bulk spam. So I say 'no' to this idea: there are far better ideas that need priority. <small>(No, I'm not saying my own idea of grouped skin options is one of them. Stoppit.)</small> |
In response to this, anyone want me to bring back ByMail? (unofficial BYOND mail service, which hasn't been up for months)
In response to Kuraudo
If you need to get in touch with me, just use the batphone. Or gTalk, if you must.
The biggest problem with the whole email idea is spam. Imagine if a user started getting spam, as email address often do. One user getting 1000 spam messages a week is manageable, but 1000 users getting 1000 spam messages a week is a huge stress, even if it is just forwarding them. What would be nice a full fledged website pager system. So I could log into BYOND and do everything I can on the pager, which includes paging people not on your friends list or offline. This way we could contact users as needed. Of course this would be a members only feature, and as you still haven't gave that account a membership yet, it wouldn't do you much good getting in contact with me. |
Or is that what you meant?
Though this would render the pager pretty much useless.