pick_gender ()
icon = 'male.dmi'
icon = 'female.dmi'
icon = 'neuter.dmi'
Jul 11 2008, 6:39 am
When i type this then login and click the verb it makes me neuter, can someone make it so a popup screen comes and then you pick the gender?
In response to Hardik
Those work but when i add linkr it say inconsistant identification
mob/verb |
In response to IDWMno
Its because he used spaces rather than tabbing it over in his example. Take out all the spaces and replace them with tabs. Should be fine then.
In response to IDWMno
IDWMno wrote:
Those work but when i add linkr it say inconsistant identification mob/verb It is because alert() proc can't handle more than 3 command buttons. If you want more than 3, then you can use input() proc ex: mob/verb |
you can use input() proc alternetively.
Refer DM guide for it.