In response to Naokohiro
Naokohiro wrote:
The Wii is innovative and intuitive technology, unlike the other systems which still do the same old thing as it's always been done.

Nintendo did quite nicely with the DS, but the wii is a failure in my opinion. And those old system styles provide a familiarity that most gamers like. Picking up the wii and having to learn a completely different way to play each and every game is yet another downside of the system

One-to-one tracking would not make a game any better... I don't see the control sticks on a ps3 or xbox360 controller having one-to-one tracking and yet they are somehow more popular than the Wii. Seems to me, people are afraid of change.

If a game is good, when I press a button, I expect it to respond. Thats not the case in most Wii games, as theyre constantly lagging behind your actions since its not a 1-1 relation. And though the "control sticks" may not be a direct 1-1 relationship, they do always move me in the direction I pushed (unlike the wii controls which usualy react differently then expected) and in many games they do relate in a semi 1-1 relation to my actions: the harder I push the faster I move

...And like he said it's possible. I just don't believe it would make a game more fun. (Which is why no developers have done it yet.)

If they make a sword-play game, or a boxing game (both of which have been done) and dont use 1-1 relation; it pretty much kills the game. Assuming you have a wii based on your post, go play the wii-sports boxing; You can throw 3 punches in the time it takes your guy to throw 1, which just screws up your rythm and makes the game suck

Not to mention; Every game I've played on the wii (only 3) have been far more functional and more efficiently played by simply flicking your wrist around instead of actualy making full motions with the wii-mote, which is just lame.
In response to Falacy
And though the "control sticks" may not be a direct 1-1 relationship, they do always move me in the direction I pushed (unlike the wii controls which usualy react differently then expected)

In short, you suck at games, and it's the Wii's fault.
In response to Jp
The usual complaints about games from Falacy, really.
In response to Jp
Jp wrote:
In short, you suck at games, and it's the Wii's fault.

Actualy, if anything, the games I played on the wii were far too easy, even with the horrid responce time and inacurate portrayal of my movements; I still got no challenge from any of the games, except for B:SB on the hardest difficulty
In response to Kaioken
Let's get the damned thread back on topic? Anyways, there are quite a few other damn good PSX games.

- Monster Rancher 2
- Einhander
- Ray Storm
- Carnage Hearts
- Crash Bandicoot 2 & 3
- Megaman Legends 1 & 2

I would love to see a Megaman Legends game made for the Wii.

Monster Rancher is a title that's exclusive to the
PlayStation, though the ones after 2 sucked. =/

Raystorm is yet another arcade shooter

Einhander has to be the best side-scrolling shooter ever. So much strategy, and the gameplay is solid in all levels.

Carnage Hearts... MMmmmmmm Could go on any console, really.
In response to D4RK3 54B3R
I played the first Monster Rancher, it was kinda lame since I could never figure out how to make my creature fight. Everything besides the fighting was neat.

The coolest part of the game was how you put in different games/cds to get new monsters. At that time and age I thought it was the greatest thing in the world since Megaman Legends always made me a robot thing.
In response to Falacy
If you are going to list good PSX RPGs (a lot of them), then at least make a complete list :[!

Alundra 1: The best Zelda clone (probably better than Zelda it's self) you will ever see. However stupidly, stupidly hard at some points (puzzles mainly), whether it is because you need a genious IQ to solve the problem or amazing reaction times.
Azure Dreams: One of the best Roguelikes ever and the best Japanese Roguelike ever, though not as hardcore as most PC Roguelikes it is still an amazing, if quirky game.
Breath of Fire 3: Excellent RPG with a good storyline and decent gameplay. Pretty funky music too.
Breath of Fire 4: Though the storyline is not as good as number 3 (nor is the music except for one or two cases) it has much better characters (best villain ever) and gameplay.
Chrono Cross: Pretty good game, though the storyline is stupidly confusing and makes little sense. Good music too!
Digimon World 1: It is a RPG crossed with a cyber pet. Similar to Pokemon, but a whole lot better (has a storyline, you actually take care of your pet, which effects how it develops and grows and so on). Whole lot of fun too.
Grandia: Up until the end of disk one it is one of the best PSX RPGs ever, and a rarity among RPGs (storyline is not save the world). A fun, not serious game with nice music.
Guardians Crusade: Looks ugly as sin, has silly characters and names, but is totally amazing. A fun battle system, tons to do in an absolutely massive world, storyline is not that great though.
Legend of Legaia: Decent story, excellent battle system but some boss battles are hard as balls.
Legend of Mana: Words cannot do this game justice. It may very well be the best PSX RPG ever, and one of the best RPGs ever. So much to do with excellent gameplay in a none linear storyline with multiple paths. Excellent game.
Parasite Eve: It is a RPG that appears more like a survival horror game. Fun battle system, good storyline and it is not cliche medieval settings.
Saga Frontier: Good game that is more like 8 smaller RPGs in one, Mostly have good storylines and are fun to play, game however is frustratingly difficult after the intro section of each storyline.
Saga Frontier 2: Another excellent game, look like a piece of art, fun battle system(s), good storyline but later on shifts towards the hard side of things.
Suikoden: Excellent story, good cast of characters, gameplay is a little generic but decent enough.
Suikoden 2: ven better story and character cast (including one of the best villains ever), gameplay is again a little on the generic side but a great game none the less.
Tales of Destiny: Some cool characters, good music, fun battle system, cliched storyline however (but has one or two nice twists).
Tales of Eternia (Destiny 2): Characters are not as cool (except for Farah), music is not as good, graphics are better, battle system is absolutely amazing. Probably the best Tales of... game made.
Threads of Fate: A somewhat zelda like clone but is really, really silly. Still, a fun game to play.
Valkyrie Profile: Excellent storyline and characters, gameplay is amazing, graphics are excellent, music is good. Only downside is that on hard mode some dungeons can be stupidly hard (as in die in 1 hit from the weakest monster hard).
Wild Arms: A little on the generic side of things, but is has some of the best designed dungeons I have ever seen, and excellent music.
Wild Arms 2: Again, a little on the generic side, but again excellent dungeon design, good music and generally improved gameplay.
Xenogears: The storyline is pretty good, but it is horribly confusing as a new term is introduced to the game every 10 minutes, but these terms are never ever explained. Anyway, great music, some of the best characters and character development ever and a generally fun game to play.

I am purposely leaving out games previously mentioned or those that are over rated.
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