it doesnt work for some reason, i host my server and I can join but not anyone else

help please?
You must have a firewall blocking you to be able to host. If you have a router you have to allow BYOND in your firewall settings. Or use If you have dial-up don't either bothering hosting as nobody else will be able to enjoy the game.
In response to DarkGamer
Well his server is up and everything. It shows on the hub but I can't join it and I don't think anyone else can either
In response to Resman
...And Darkgamer gave the common fixes to his problem...
well, i shut off my firewall, hope that works... the port thingy didnt work at all, tried that... is there anything else?
In response to Luy
I don't know if you know, but if you have a router you need to go to your routers allowed program list and put BYOND has an approved program. Also, of course port forward does not work. You have to pay for it, then it gives you the feature to be able to update your router.
In response to DarkGamer
its on the accepted list... and it still didnt work
In response to Luy
Well I tried to help you. Since I don't know exactly what you are doing so I can't help any further.
In response to DarkGamer
i select the file and click GO

security on trusted

public on the other

and port = 0 so it gets one auto
In response to Luy
I meant like if you added BYOND to the list to your router's list not your browser allowed sites. But if nothing I said works then I don't know. There is something you are doing wrong.
In response to Luy
Set the port as a port forwarded port. Just create the static IP, port forward a port, and use that port for hosting.