F["loc"] << loc
F["expv"] << expvalue
F["HU"] << HengeUsed
F["BU"] << BunshinUsed
F["KU"] << KawarimiUsed
F["BMD"] << BaseMove_Delay
F["MD"] << Move_Delay
F["Oicon"] << Oicon
F["hairover"] << hairover
F["Level"] << Level
F["Village"] << Village
F["mstam"] << MaxStam
F["stam"] << Stam
F["Chakra"] << Chakra
F["MaxChakra"] << MaxChakra
F["maxexp"] << maxexp
F["exp"] << exp
F["ooc"] << ooc
F["maxhp"] << maxhp
F["hp"] << hp
F["End"] << End
F["Int"] << Int
F["Nin"] << Nin
F["Str"] << Str
F["DRanksDone"] << DRanksDone
F["Mission1Done"] << Mission1Done
F["contents"] << contents
F["name"] << name
F["hud"] << src.client.screen
F["expv"] >> expvalue
F["HU"] >> HengeUsed
F["BU"] >> BunshinUsed
F["KU"] >> KawarimiUsed
F["BMD"] >> BaseMove_Delay
F["MD"] >> Move_Delay
F["Oicon"] >> Oicon
F["hairover"] >> hairover
F["Level"] >> Level
F["Village"] >> Village
F["mstam"] >> MaxStam
F["stam"] >> Stam
F["Chakra"] >> Chakra
F["MaxChakra"] >> MaxChakra
F["maxexp"] >> maxexp
F["exp"] >> exp
F["ooc"] >> ooc
F["maxhp"] >> maxhp
F["hp"] >> hp
F["End"] >> End
F["Int"] >> Int
F["Nin"] >> Nin
F["Str"] >> Str
F["DRanksDone"] >> DRanksDone
F["Mission1Done"] >> Mission1Done
F["contents"] >> contents
F["name"] >> name
F["hud"] >> src.client.screen
loc = F["loc"]
world << "[src]([src.key]) <B>loaded</B> their character."
Problem description:
As you can see of the last lines of Read() and Write() There's the hud saving, our client screen.
We got it working, but... we get runtime errors, and I've no idea how else I can save the whole client.screen.
Could someone please help?
Thanks in advance,
As for your issue, it makes some sense that screen wouldn't be saved that easily. You could try looping through it, but that's all pointless anyway, because what you should really do is rebuild it on logon. Every player should reuse the same screen objects, you shouldn't create a new object for every player, as well as store it in their savefiles.
I wonder for what purpose you need to save the screen list anyway, since it's normally populated on Login() etc?