Well, I've made a new Output with the name Chat for my ooc and say and I have face icons and they are suppose to be 32x32 but they are set to the default size 16x16, I know what the problem is but I'm not sure how it would be fixed.
/*Thats the right script to make the icon 32x32 but since I set my say for the Chat Output, the script is only designated to the original default Output.*/
client/script = {"<STYLE>BODY IMG.icon {width: 32px; height: 32px}</STYLE>"}
/*Here's my say coding (Part of it, the important part)*/
view(usr) << output("<font size=1><font face=verdana><b><font color=white><BIG>\icon[usr.face_icon]</BIG><font size = 1>[usr]<font color= red> Says: [msg]", "chat")
That BIG tag wouldn't (shouldn't?) do anything to an image.
Your problem is likely the wayward BODY tag in client/script. Otherwise, I haven't tested the use of client/script lately, so you might just have to put that IMG style in the output control's style information using the skin editor.